
2023-03-05 作者: EnclavedMicrostate 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

1125: Why don’t medieval/early modern china and maybe other Buddhist kingdoms try to restore Buddhism in india?, submitted on 2023-02-27 14:30:57+08:00.

—– 1125.1 —–2023-02-27 19:33:40+08:00:

This is far from a complete answer to your question, but as a point of clarification, historically (and even today) large-scale movement between China and India has never been particularly practicable.

1126: Seriously can we have an end turn alert cause I forget to do these every time, submitted on 2023-02-28 09:51:51+08:00.

—– 1126.1 —–2023-02-28 22:37:29+08:00:

Because Civ 6 has a policy cards feature where you can swap them in and out, rather than having one-off Social Policy purchases.

1127: What lessons from the Dust Bowl and Great Depression would help us, now - especially if China no longer exports to Western countries?, submitted on 2023-03-01 05:54:35+08:00.

—– 1127.1 —–2023-03-01 06:14:49+08:00:

This submission has been removed because it involves current events. To keep from discussion of politics, we have a 20-year rule here. You may want to try /r/ask_politics, /r/NeutralPolitics, or another current-events focused sub. For further explanation of this rule, feel free to consult this Rules Roundtable.

1128: What places in this area would you recommend a history and nature enthusiast to vist ?, submitted on 2023-03-01 17:07:15+08:00.

—– 1128.1 —–2023-03-01 21:28:29+08:00:

Roundway Hill near Devizes is the site of a Civil War battle in 1643, arguably the greatest success the Royalists ever managed to achieve. For its part, Bath has a good amount of Georgian architecture, and the eponymous Roman baths later refurbished in the Early Modern period.

1129: Pikamee will end all activities on March 31st, Japan Time, submitted on 2023-03-01 21:03:10+08:00.

—– 1129.1 —–2023-03-02 00:46:46+08:00:

No, I think you do. Someone buys the game -> JKR gets royalties -> JKR uses her money, which now includes royalties from that game, to fund anti-trans causes (e.g. suing LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall; setting up a crisis centre in Scotland explicitly excluding trans people) -> anti-trans causes harm trans people.


—– 1129.2 —–2023-03-02 01:44:55+08:00:

So in other words, the fact that the game has already been used to fund anti-trans causes shouldn’t stop you from promoting it? Even if further purchases of HL don’t immediately go into royalties cheques for JKR, they do still prove the viability of the brand, and thus more royalties down the line.

—– 1129.3 —–2023-03-02 01:53:11+08:00:

I don’t think this is the counter-argument you think it is, though, because I think you very much could, even should, make that argument for Nintendo too, on that basis. In any event, in that particular comment at least, I wasn’t even suggesting that there should be a boycott (although I do, in fact, believe so); I was simply stating that the chain of causality does in fact exist.

My moral condemnation isn’t reserved for anyone who may be playing the game without awareness of the nature of the issue: I condemn their actions, but I can accept that they may have no ill intent at the point of purchase. Nevertheless, it is my opinion that people should be informed of the causes that the game’s beneficiaries promote, and I do take umbrage with anyone a) unwilling to engage with that in good faith, and/or b) who will go ahead with promoting the game despite knowing about those issues that have already been enumerated. But ultimately, my moral condemnation is reserved primarily for JK Rowling and the developers of the game.

1130: Due to written Chinese being based off symbols that don’t change much over time instead of rapidly evolving pronunciations, would a modern Chinese high schooler would be able to more or less read a Chinese text written as far back as 150 BC?, submitted on 2023-03-02 03:14:00+08:00.

—– 1130.1 —–2023-03-02 16:45:35+08:00:

I’d like to tack on to what was written by /u/iwaka with a paragraph from an ultimately half-formed answer that I never got round to finishing before they wrote theirs (which in any event gets into a lot of things that hadn’t even sprung to mind for me):

To just highlight a few differences of vocabulary here: The Classical verb for ‘to want’, 欲 (yu4 in Mandarin, juk6 in Cantonese), is incredibly rare in vernacular usage in Mandarin and Cantonese, outside of idiomatic phrases; it does, however, persist in some other languages such as Hakka and Hokkien. In fact, you’re far more likely to see it in Japanese, in noun form as 欲 yoku (desire, want) or in adjective form hoshii 欲しい (desired, wanted). Mandarin and Cantonese speakers today would be far more likely to use 要 yao4/jiu3. The Classical verb ‘to say’, 曰 (yue1/jyut6), is entirely literary. Some Sinitic languages such as Cantonese instead use 話 (wa6), while Mandarin uses 說 (shuo1); both also use 講 (jiang3/gong2) as well (there are dialectical variations in terms of which Mandarin use 說, 講, or both; ditto for 話 and 講 in Cantonese varieties.)

1131: Which defensive weapons (AA artillery, howitzers etc) did the Japanese use to defend Iwo Jima and Okinawa in WW2?, submitted on 2023-03-03 02:18:07+08:00.

—– 1131.1 —–2023-03-03 03:49:26+08:00:

Please repost this question to the weekly “Short Answers” thread stickied to the top of the subreddit, which will be the best place to get an answer to this question; for that reason, we have removed your post here. Standalone questions are intended to be seeking detailed, comprehensive answers, and we ask that questions looking for a name, a number, a date or time, a location, the origin of a word, the first/last instance of a specific phenomenon, or a simple list of examples or facts be contained to that thread as they are more likely to receive an answer there. For more information on this rule, please see this Rules Roundtable.

Alternatively, if you didn’t mean to ask a question seeking a short answer or a list of examples, but have a more complex question in mind, feel free to repost a reworded question. Examples of questions appropriate for the ‘Short Answers’ thread would be “Who won the 1932 election?” or “What are some famous natural disasters from the past?”. Versions more appropriate as standalone questions would be “How did FDR win the 1932 election?”, or “In your area of expertise, how did people deal with natural disasters?” If you need some pointers, be sure to check out this Rules Roundtable on asking better questions.

Finally, don’t forget that there are many subreddits on Reddit aimed at answering your questions. Consider /r/AskHistory (which has lighter moderation but similar topic matter to /r/AskHistorians), /r/explainlikeimfive (which is specifically aimed at simple and easily digested answers), or /r/etymology (which focuses on the origins of words and phrases).

1132: Sakura Miko Birthday Party 2023 on March 5th with 13 guests, she’ll also be unveiling a new 3D outfit!!!, submitted on 2023-03-03 20:15:19+08:00.

—– 1132.1 —–2023-03-04 02:33:43+08:00:

Wait, another one!?

1133: The two major rebellions of the Tang Dynasty were the An Lushan and Huang Chao rebellions. One resulted in the end of the Tang Golden Age, while the other resulted in the near-destruction of the Tang, China’s aristocracy and foreign merchants. Why is it the former seems to be more well-known online?, submitted on 2023-03-03 22:21:36+08:00.

—– 1133.1 —–2023-03-04 09:01:51+08:00:

If someone has institutional access

Institutional access, you say? Don’t mind if I do…

I’ll let people who actually understand demography do any interesting analysis that may be done, but I can confirm that Durand is correct when he says that Balazs noted that the number of prefectures counted was halved in the 760 census. In his notes column, the 734 to 754 censuses are remarked as covering between 315 and 362 prefectures depending on the year, whereas the 760 covers a mere 169 prefectures – worthy of an exclamation mark!

His later figures are also worth remarking on, I feel. For 763 he finds a figure of 9 million families – an increase from before the rebellion – which he explicitly highlights as a contemporary estimate, with yet another exclamation mark! Evidently the later sources still suggest a considerable decline in at least reported families, which only recovered to just shy of 5 million by the mid-9th century, but as you note, it’s difficult to suggest that this reflects deaths rather than administrative disintegration.

I’m sure someone with a better grasp of academic German can elucidate on the footnote for 760, but Balazs does note that, if his figures can be extrapolated to include the half not under rebel rule, then that would still constitute a considerable population loss in the empire as a whole, with the number of families having halved even within the assessed territory.

That is, however, a big if, and I would think that were he to have gone into greater depth, then the apparent increase in individuals per family (from about 5.5-6.0 to 8.78) might suggest that the decline in actual population was not as severe as the decline in taxpaying households. I would also be interested to know which prefectures stopped being counted, as An Lushan’s forces primarily operated in what would have been the empire’s metropolitan heartlands in the north Chinese plain. It’s entirely conceivable that the fact that it was relatively densely-populated regions that fell off the administrative map also served to exacerbate the effect in the statistics.

1134: The Current Russian-Ukranian War’s coverage in the US seems to be somewhat lacking in depth and importance in the cultural zeitgeist. Looking back, were the First and Second World Wars prior to the US’s involvement also portrayed in a somewhat cursory manner?, submitted on 2023-03-04 16:38:01+08:00.

—– 1134.1 —–2023-03-04 16:56:00+08:00:

This submission has been removed because it involves current events. To keep from discussion of politics, we have a 20-year rule here. You may want to try /r/ask_politics, /r/NeutralPolitics, or another current-events focused sub. For further explanation of this rule, feel free to consult this Rules Roundtable.

1135: [Hobby Scuffles] Week of March 6, 2023, submitted on 2023-03-05 23:02:10+08:00.

—– 1135.1 —–2023-03-11 20:49:44+08:00:

Wait, I thought this was news weeks ago…

—– 1135.2 —–2023-03-11 23:43:48+08:00:

No, I was thinking of this as mentioned by /u/NervousLemon6670

—– 1135.3 —–2023-03-13 21:10:01+08:00:

So, on the FallenShadow (aka Shondo) point, someone was pointing out that it’s really rich for her to be complaining about ‘Twitter freaks’ given her past vagueposting about a certain corporate VTuber…

!More specifically, FallenShadow was a friend of LemonLeaf, both ASMR creators; the latter of whom started streaming as a VTuber in May 2020. In the summer of 2021, when Hololive English’s second generation, Council, was debuting, FallenShadow did several vagueposts on both Twitter and Discord alleging betrayal by one or more close friends. LemonLeaf had recently announced a hiatus, and then on 23 August, Hololive debuted Ceres Fauna, who had a suspiciously LemonLeaf-esque voice. FallenShadow never explicitly said that her posts had been about LemonLeaf/Fauna, but given her own indie VTuber debut around the same time, many have assumed she was bitter about not getting the Hololive audition.!< However, at least publicly the two have appeared to be on good terms, with appearances in chat on each other’s streams; as such some have said the counter-criticism isn’t particularly warranted.
