- 507: Professors, have you noticed a difference in the abilities of undergraduates post-COVID?, submitted on 2023-03-17 22:26:12+08:00.
- 508: Style of Mathematics in Russia before and after formation of the USSR, submitted on 2023-03-18 17:10:10+08:00.
- 509: Am I a bad person for automatically judging people with HnH or PnP in their profile?, submitted on 2023-03-18 17:44:07+08:00.
- 510: Im 23 I think I have erectile disfunction, submitted on 2023-03-18 21:11:28+08:00.
- 511: My Fellow Gaybros: Please be responsible., submitted on 2023-03-19 01:51:46+08:00.
- 512: Tinder date told me I was “too dark” for him and I’m unsure of what to do?, submitted on 2023-03-19 06:36:54+08:00.
- 513: Foo Fighters ft. Shane Hawkins Perform “My Hero”, submitted on 2023-03-19 10:44:02+08:00.
507: Professors, have you noticed a difference in the abilities of undergraduates post-COVID?, submitted on 2023-03-17 22:26:12+08:00.
—– 507.1 —–2023-03-18 14:23:15+08:00:
My old professor friend think the post-pandemic entering classes are the dumbest he’s ever taught.
He’s tenured, at a certain school in the North East.
508: Style of Mathematics in Russia before and after formation of the USSR, submitted on 2023-03-18 17:10:10+08:00.
—– 508.1 —–2023-03-19 01:36:56+08:00:
I came here to say this. Exactly the right answer.
509: Am I a bad person for automatically judging people with HnH or PnP in their profile?, submitted on 2023-03-18 17:44:07+08:00.
—– 509.1 —–2023-03-19 01:35:04+08:00:
Not really a fun fact. More like a sad reality of gay men destroying their lives, because they lack the maturity to realize that self discipline is nothing more than empathy with their future self.
510: Im 23 I think I have erectile disfunction, submitted on 2023-03-18 21:11:28+08:00.
—– 510.1 —–2023-03-19 01:52:55+08:00:
How much porn do you watch?
511: My Fellow Gaybros: Please be responsible., submitted on 2023-03-19 01:51:46+08:00.
—– 511.1 —–2023-03-19 02:17:34+08:00:
Actually, my weekend has been great.
And otherwise, you’ve got every right to disregard what I said. Your life is your own responsibility. Live it however you want.
—– 511.2 —–2023-03-19 02:19:36+08:00:
There’s more nuance than you’re allowing for in your argument.
Of course. And I would be a complete hypocrite if I said otherwise.
—– 511.3 —–2023-03-19 10:18:17+08:00:
People feel like I’m being preachy and they resent it. Which, fair enough.
512: Tinder date told me I was “too dark” for him and I’m unsure of what to do?, submitted on 2023-03-19 06:36:54+08:00.
—– 512.1 —–2023-03-19 11:21:14+08:00:
What does “too dark” mean? Your skin is no darker than mine.
What a nutter. Be proud of who you are.
—– 512.2 —–2023-03-19 11:27:25+08:00:
my ethnicity (Arab)
It is so weird to hear someone describe an Arabic guy as “too dark.” Too dark for what? Totally irrational.
There is nothing wrong with having darker skin. You are not even dark skinned.
Your skin is no darker than mine. And I am not even Arabic (although people assume I am, all the time).
—– 512.3 —–2023-03-19 11:28:35+08:00:
This is the correct answer.
513: Foo Fighters ft. Shane Hawkins Perform “My Hero”, submitted on 2023-03-19 10:44:02+08:00.
—– 513.1 —–2023-03-19 10:47:03+08:00:
I love this kid. I love his passion. His enthusiasm. His commitment to being the best drummer that he can be.