Minerva University-A Purpose Driven Education|NTU Future University Forum 臺大未來大學論壇

2024-02-19 原文 #臺大演講網 的其它文章

Minerva University-A Purpose Driven Education|NTU Future University Forum 臺大未來大學論壇 ——

拍攝日期:2023/12/09主講人:Dr. Vicki Chandler(Provost, Chief Academic Officer, Minerva University)The forum will be centered on 'Digital Literacy in Higher Education'. Dr. Vicki Chandler, Provost and Chief Academic Officer for Minerva University, will give a keynote speech and share the successful experiences in promoting digital literacy at Minerva University. ►►臺大演講網Website: http://speech.ntu.edu.twFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/ntuspeech
