叙利亚:英美法的行动遭到各方面抨击,这场战争究竟是什么 - iYouPort

2018-04-15 原文 #iYouPort 的其它文章




前国会议员Sharif Shehadeh 说,这次袭击“是叙利亚政府的胜利”,他说:“它不但没有削弱巴沙尔,反而使其变得更加强大” ,“特朗普这样做是为了保住面子”。

The attack “was a victory for Syria,” former lawmaker Sharif Shehadeh said by phone from Damascus. “Instead of weakening the government, it only made it stronger,” he said. “Trump did it to save face.” #SyriaStrike



HRW: Bombing Syria doesn’t punish Assad for his war-crime targeting of civilians . But Russia blocks UN Security Council referral of Syria to International Criminal Court. #SyriaStrike

3、人权观察:假设特朗普的攻击能降低阿萨德的化学武器能力,先回答两个问题:1.美国如何知道沙林在哪里? (过去没有找到过)2. 美国如何停止氯气袭击?这是一种具有许多合法用途的常用化学品 #SyriaStrike


HRW:If Trump’s missile attacks were to degrade Assad’s chemical weapons capacity: 1. How does US know where the sarin is? (It didn’t in the past.) 2. How does US stop attacks with chlorine, a common chemical with many legitimate uses (though not as a weapon)?

Beyond the immediate question of whether the strikes actually accomplished the stated goal of diminishing Syria’s capacity to make and use chemical agents, the new strikes posed the risk of drawing the United States more deeply into a conflict in which Russia and Iran have more invested than ever in keeping Mr. Assad in power.

4、特朗普下令美国在没有国会授权的情况下袭击叙利亚,引发各种争议。看起来很多人还是不了解这场战争的背景。The Intercept 推荐了关于叙利亚的两本书,讲述2011年开始的这场革命如何演变成了一场复杂的多方面的国际战争。

五年实地秘密采访写成的 “No Turning Back: Life, Loss, and Hope in Wartime Syria” 揭示了政策制定者和金融家如何操纵叙利亚反对派成员以实现他们自己的议程;另一本书是2017年出版的“ The Home That Was Our Country: A Memoir of Syria” 讲述由于巴沙尔政权的信息封锁而无人了解的叙利亚内情。

A Syria for all its people — two books on an unnecessary war

“No Turning Back: Life, Loss, and Hope in Wartime Syria” & “The Home That Was Our Country: A Memoir of Syria”


6、 CIA 前分析师 Ray McGovern:“三人帮”袭击事件发生前几个小时,正在抵达叙利亚的联合国化学武器组织专家被阻拦,他们是去研究杜马的土壤和其他样本的。为什么不能等到禁化武组织有机会查明是否有这种袭击?如果是的话,使用了什么化学品?

美国国防部长 James Mattis 只能说他认为存在化学武器攻击,可能有沙林、氯气。迄今为止,唯一可用的“证据”是来自“社交媒体”的高度可疑报告。显而易见的是,在禁化武组织调查人员有机会确定发生的事情之前,美国/英国/法国想要这场攻击。

Attacking Syria: Thumbing Noses at Constitution and Law

It was a sad spectacle to see U.S. brass rubbishing the Constitution and trying to silence critics of the U.S. strike on Syria, says Ray McGovern in this commentary.

7、沙特资助的圣战组织 Jaysh al Islam 和 Tahrir al-Sham,以及英国资助的圣战组织 The White Helmets 已经声称在他们的 Douma 飞地发生化学武器袭击。


March 4 2018 Sergei and Yulia Skripal are attacked with a nerve agent in Salisbury

March 6 2018 Boris Johnson blames Russia and calls Russia “a malign force”

March 7 2018 Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia arrives in London for an official visit

March 13 2018 Valeri Gerasimov, Russian Chief of General Staff, states that Russia has intelligence a fake chemical attack is planned against civilians in Syria as a pretext for US bombing of Damascus, and that Russia will respond militarily.

March 19 2018 Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia arrives in Washington for an official visit

April 8 2018 Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia arrives in Paris for an official visit

April 8 2018 Saudi funded jihadist groups Jaysh al Islam and Tahrir al-Sham and UK funded jihadist “rescue group” The White Helmets claim a chemical weapons attack occurred in their enclave of Douma the previous day – just before its agreed handover to the Syrian army – and blame the Syrian government.

April 11 2018 Saudi Arabia pledges support for attack on Syria

April 14 2018 US/UK/French attack on Syria begins.

Craig Murray 英国前驻乌兹别克斯坦大使,举报人,历史学家: We do not yet know how many children and other civilians have died so far in what the media always pretend are magically “pinpoint” attacks on Syria. Denying the “collateral damage” is part of the neo-con playbook. The danger is that they will not stop but continue to push, testing how far they can go in weakening Syrian government forces to promote their jihadist allies on the ground, before they spark a real Russian reaction. That way madness lies.

It is also worth noting that the most ardent supporters of this military action, outside Saudi Arabia and Israel, are the Blairites in the UK and the Clinton Democrats in the USA. The self-described “centrists” are actually the unhinged extremists in today’s politics.

This attack on Syria is, beyond doubt, a huge success for the machinations of Mohammed Bin Salman. Please do read my post of 8 March which sets out the background to his agenda, and I believe is essential to why we find our nations in military action again today. Despite the fact the vast majority of the people do not want this.

8、WTF作家 Robert Peston:叙利亚的轰炸引发了棘手的法律问题和道德问题,并可能成为令我们后悔的先例——

1) The only two legally uncontentious bases for military action are a UN Security Council resolution or self-defence. @theresa_may could not and did not claim either justification. She relied on hotly disputed idea that it’s legitimate to use arms to avert humanitarian disaster.

2) You can see law officers of the government here arguing that “legal basis for the use of force [in Syria] is humanitarian intervention” and that this UK is “permitted under international law, on an exceptional basis” to do so. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/syria-action-uk-government-legal-position/syria-action-uk-government-legal-position


Oxfam 美国政策顾问 Gottschalk说,难民重新安置的速度已经明显放缓,自2017年10月以来只有44名叙利亚人进入美国。他指出,特朗普政府的政策旨在废弃国会授权的难民计划。旅行禁令、进一步的审查措施以及一系列行政命令都在阻止难民的选择。

The U.S. Has Accepted Only 11 #SyrianRefugees This Year

administration policies aim to dismantle a refugee program mandated by Congress.

Last September, President Trump dramatically reduced the annual cap for refugees from anywhere in the world to 45,000.

Arrivals have also slowed because of additional vetting measures, as well as a series of executive orders temporarily barring travel from several Muslim-majority countries and suspending refugees admissions from around the world.

“You can look back to a year ago when we did fire missiles into Syria,” Mattis said. “Some things are simply inexcusable, beyond the pale and in the worst interest of not just the chemical weapons convention but of civilization itself.”
