Why do we want to emphasize the distinction between the Beijing regime and the Chinese people? 为什么我们要强调区分“北京政权”和“中国人” - iYouPort

2018-06-11 原文 #iYouPort 的其它文章

Why do we want to emphasize the distinction between the “Beijing regime” and the “Chinese people?” 为什么我们要强调区分“北京政权”和“中国人”

编者按 :我们翻译这篇文章的目的是提醒一个始终存在的却被有意忽略的事实,即在海外的中国留学生中部分人的确有着爱国但不爱政府的立场,就如这篇文章中所指出的那样,但这件事始终少有人认可,尤其是不被中国人认可。这个话题在中国长期以来存在矛盾,而这些学生被贴上了“小粉红”的标签,被很多中国人所鄙视,被澳大利亚当地视为共产党的间谍来排斥,这就是为什么你看不到他们,或者看不清。


我们可以不谈论国家这个政治概念,我们说家园,离乡背井的人对家园故土的感情是否合理众所周知,同时只要有最基本的道德感的人都会鄙视这个作恶多端的政权,两者丝毫不会矛盾。 政府不等于国家,爱家园不等于爱政府,公民不会被政权绑架,这都是基本常识 ,然而这个问题在中国却难以说清。

我们认为这篇文章没能完全讲明白这个问题,于是在编者按中佐以补充。然而令人困惑的是,我们事实上花了很长时间去思考是否有必要翻译这篇文章,准确说是问我们自己是否有勇气说出事实。这是我们的焦虑所在, 一直以来这个问题经常会出现,即一篇文章、一个观点,我们会首先考虑中文读者是否能接受,作为是否翻译它的基本条件,然而我们也明白,中文读者容易接受的观点势必已经存在于普遍的既有认知之内,换句话说就是,对开阔眼界和丰富认知的目的来说,相比下效用较低。而正是那些不易被接受的观点才是通往信息自由的路径,激发思考的引擎。

“这是我的国家,但那个人不是我的总统”,很多美国公民都会说这句话,部分中国的海外留学生在北京当局修宪之后也加入了这样的运动,他们贴出了海报:“那不是我的主席”。这些年轻人是未来反抗的源泉, 而他们的反抗将建立在热爱这片土地的基础上 —— “那是我的家园,我不会允许邪恶的权力霸占它”,而不是“那个国家应该被摧毁,它一文不值”。而后者是为数不少的华裔移民和中国国内移民爱好者的共识。如果可以选择,你认为上述哪个群体更有希望成就未来的反抗力量?






经济学人这篇文章揭示了至少在澳大利亚已经被呈现的事实: 人们更倾向于站在地缘政治角度上将中国人和北京政权混为一谈,就如美国资金放弃俄罗斯反抗者那样,如果所有美国的盟国都和澳大利亚一样的思考,中国反抗力量将得不到任何帮助 。中国政府早已推出了“新反间谍法”将所有与外国组织机构有关联的中国人视为间谍,然而被中国人向往的全球民主国家们如果也排斥中国民间的求助,在孤立反抗者方面,他们将和中国政府达成一致。

最后对中国人说,我们理解很多中国异议的表述所表达的感情,即通过鄙视这个国家整体,而声明自身反对立场的态度。我们无法判断这一表述来自中国异议自身,还是国际上长期混淆“北京政权”和“中国人”的结果。我们只希望更多中国社会真心追求民主的人们能认识到这点,也是我们在《 逃离中国 》这篇文章中所指出的:逃离不是解决问题的方式,不管是精神上的还是事实上的,如果这个国家不能被改变,北京政权的国际形象将成为所有华裔的身份烙印。改变的希望正来自于那些认识到这个国家的弊端的人们,也就是那些试图“逃离”的人们,我们不希望这一悖论持续,中国社会必需能做出令国际社会刮目相看的反抗努力,才能令本编者按的一系列陈述更为合理。

Our aim in translating this article is to remind the ever-present but deliberately overlooked fact that some Chinese students abroad do have a patriotic but anti-government stance, as this article points out, but this has never been recognized, especially not by the Chinese. The topic has long been conflicted in China, and these students are branded “little pink,” despised by many Chinese and ostracised by local Australians as Communist Party spies, which is why you can’t see them, or can’t see clearly.

A few years ago, a Chinese dissident student studying in Australia said something like this: “The Chinese little pinks on our side has a better understanding than many overseas pro-democrat.” I didn’t understand it then. Later, I learned that the “little pink” was meant for students who loved their home but didn’t agree with the regime.

We can talk about the homeland instead of talking about the political concept of the country. The feelings of the people who are away from home towards the homeland are well known, and there can be no contradiction in the fact that anyone with the most basic sense of morality would despise this evil regime. The government is not equal to the country, patriotism is not equal to loving the government, and citizens can not be kidnapped by the regime, which is basic common sense, but it is difficult to say in China.

We think this article does not fully explain the problem. So we add this in the editor’s note. What is puzzling is that we actually spend a lot of time thinking about whether it is necessary to translate this article, precisely, to ask ourselves whether we have the courage to tell the truth. It is our anxiety that the question has always arisen: whether an article, an idea, is acceptable to the Chinese reader as a basic condition for translating it. However, we also understand that an easily acceptable view of the Chinese reader must already exist within the prevailing established cognition, in other words, less useful for the purposes of broadening one’s horizons and enriching one’s cognition. It is precisely those views that are not easily accepted are the path to information freedom and the engine that stimulates thinking.

“This is my country, but that man is not my president.” Many American citizens would say that, and some of China’s overseas students joined the movement after the constitutional amendment by the Beijing authorities. They put up posters: “Not my president.” These young people are the source of future revolt, and their revolt will be based on a love of the land – “That is my home, and I will not allow evil powers to overrun it”; rather than “That country should be destroyed, it is worthless”. The latter is the consensus of many Chinese immigrants and those who want to immigrate in China. If you can choose, which of these groups do you think is more likely to become the resistance force of the future?

There is no doubt.

Once a friend in the Western media said that we should not vaguely label China and Chinese, or Beijing regime and Chinese. I was moved by the recognition that not all Chinese are regime advocates, but there is still a sense of anti-authoritarianism among the populace. And then I came to realize that this was a serious issue, being moved is not enough to respond.

Psychology calls it block-thinking. Just as the Chinese conflate Washington with American society, left and right, independent civil society organizations and government-sponsored organizations when talking about the United States; Americans also confuse the oppositions with the Kremlin when talking about Russia. This is one of the reasons why we translated ‘ the Russian NGO’ article : many large American funders have withdrawn their funds, despite the Russian oppositions fearless efforts and lack of resources. This is an attitude and action built on a geopolitical level. If international fear of the Beijing regime’s long arm results in global exclusion of ethnic Chinese, the isolation of Chinese oppositions will be greater than that of the Russian oppositions.

The eventual winners are the Kremlin and Zhongnanhai.

That is why being moved is not enough. It is already a question worth pondering. Just read in the news how quickly the regime’s influence is being wielded.

The Economist’s article reveals what has been revealed, at least in Australia: people tend to geopolitically conflate the Chinese with the Beijing regime, as US funds abandon Russian oppositions. If all US allies think like Australia, China’s resistance will get no help. The Chinese government has long introduced a new anti-espionage law that treats all Chinese associated with foreign organizations as spies. But global democracies, coveted by the Chinese, will agree with Beijing on isolating the oppositions if they also exclude Chinese citizens from asking for help.

Finally, to the Chinese, we understand the sentiment expressed by many of Chinese dissents: statements of opposition by despising the country as a whole. We cannot judge whether this expression comes from the dissidents themselves or is the result of a long international confusion between the Beijing regime and the Chinese. We only hope that more people in China who are genuinely committed to democracy will realize this, as we pointed out in our article Escape from China : Escape is not the solution, be it mental or factual. If this country cannot be changed, the international image of the regime in Beijing will become an imprint on the identity of all ethnic Chinese. The hope for change is coming from those who realize the country’s ills, those who seek to escape. We do not want this paradox to persist. Chinese society needs to make a revolt effort to impress the international community in order to make this editor’s list of statements more reasonable.


How Chinese students exercise free speech abroad

Students aren’t stooges for the government, says Fran Martin of the University of Melbourne

by The Economist FRAN MARTIN




但在这些情况下,中国学生都没有试图压制他人的观点。他们不同意他们的讲师,就像学生们每天在全国各地的教室里互相挑战教师和彼此的方式一样。 我们普遍欢迎这样的挑战,作为学生独立思考的证据和他们表达反对意见的自信心:自由教育传统中的核心价值观。



一些评论家指出中国学生在国外的民族主义,将其等同于对党和政权的毫无疑问的支持。但更深入的研究显示这种现象要复杂得多。我的研究表明,虽然许多人认为在像中国国庆节那样的特殊场合表达爱国主义是“酷”,但这通常并不意味着要对其政府进行全面认可。那些在10月1日把他们的微信个人图片换成中国国旗的学生,或者在道义上有义务捍卫他们的家园声誉, 而在其他情况下,他们批评政府滥用权力、侵犯人权、媒体审查或习近平修宪无限期地延长任期等等恶劣行径。


但将中国学生整体视为国家安全威胁的最大问题之一是,所谓的激进边缘活动被与对中国学生的公众想象力相关联。令人遗憾的是,听到国内学生和大学工作人员都表示对中国学生不信任,认为他们必须全部都是被政治洗脑的,最多也就是最差的观点是认为他们已经成了共产党的卧底代理人,这已经变得越来越普遍。事实上,澳大利亚的辩论变得如此激烈,还原和极端化,以至于一些中国 – 澳大利亚学者 – 甚至非中国籍的中国学者 – 越来越不愿意质疑中共对校园渗透的语话,他们害怕自己被标记为政权的傀儡。



作者是墨尔本大学文化研究副教授 Fran Martin。她目前正在进行为期五年的ARC未来奖学金项目,以研究中国学生在澳大利亚的经历。⚪️
