International NGOs Increasingly Working with Chinese Partners . . . outside China

2020-10-07 原文 #中参馆 的其它文章

International NGOs Increasingly Working with Chinese Partners . . . outside China ——

Over on the Fairbank Center blog, authors Wendy Leutert, Elizabeth Plantan, and Austin Strange explain how foreign NGOs are increasingly working with Chinese state-owned enterprises on projects all over the world. Noting that “many international NGOs are pivoting from working inside China to partnering with Chinese actors to promote development abroad,” the authors explain that a combination of factors—including the Foreign NGO Law and ever smaller pools of money to fund development work inside China—have helped to drive this shift.

Similarly, China Development Brief has created an interactive map that shows Chinese NGOs’ projects outside of China. Though the entries in this map do not necessarily explain whether the Chinese NGOs have international non-profit partners, it still acts as a good resource for those looking to understand Chinese civil society’s work around the world.
