如何破解受密码保护的ZIP、PDF等文件 - iYouPort
- 使用一个小工具,以做到这点
大家都知道不要将敏感信息存储在未加密的文件中对吧?PDF和ZIP文件往往可以包含一个信息宝库,如网络图、IP地址和登录凭证等。有时,即使是某些已加密的文件也难以避免攻击。这就是 Zydra 的用武之地 —— 一个用于破解RAR文件、ZIP文件、PDF文件和 Linux 影子文件的工具。
例如,Linux命令行zip实用程序使用旧的 PKZIP 算法,这种算法不安全且容易被破解。其他程序,如 WinZip 和 7-Zip,则使用强大的AES-256加密。RAR协议的早期版本使用专有的加密算法,而新版本则使用AES。WinRAR 和 PeaZip 作为可以处理RAR文件的流行选择,也使用AES标准。
如果您使用的是 Linux,那么在 LibreOffice 中通过常规word文档来创建PDF很容易,甚至还有一个选项可以对新创建的文件进行密码保护。旧版本的 LibreOffice 使用 Blowfish 算法来加密文件,但3.5及以上版本使用 AES。其他创建PDF文件的方法包括 Microsoft Office 和 Adobe Acrobat — Office 2007+版本和 Acrobat 7+版本都支持AES加密。
Linux 影子文件本身是不加密的,但其中包含的密码是加密的。这些密码的加密算法根据系统的不同而不同,但 MD5、SHA-512、SHA-256、Blowfish和DES都是常用的。
下载并设置 Zydra
首先需要从 GitHub 下载 Zydra —— 使用wget实用工具直接从命令行获取Python文件:
~$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hamedA2/Zydra/master/Zydra.py
--2020-07-15 18:41:25-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hamedA2/Zydra/master/Zydra.py
Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)...,,, ...
Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 30544 (30K) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘Zydra.py’
Zydra.py 100%[======================>] 29.83K --.-KB/s in 0.04s
2020-07-15 18:41:26 (764 KB/s) - ‘Zydra.py’ saved [30544/30544]
~$ mv Zydra.py zydra.py
还需要安装一些依赖项,以便 Zydra 正常工作 —— 它使用Python 3,所以我们可以使用 pip3 来安装额外的模块。
~$ pip3 install rarfile pyfiglet py-term
Collecting rarfile
Downloading rarfile-3.1.tar.gz (121 kB)
|████████████████████████████████| 121 kB 1.0 MB/s
Requirement already satisfied: pyfiglet in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (0.8.post0)
Collecting py-term
Downloading py-term-0.6.tar.gz (5.4 kB)
Building wheels for collected packages: rarfile, py-term
Building wheel for rarfile (setup.py) ... done
Created wheel for rarfile: filename=rarfile-3.1-py3-none-any.whl size=24908 sha256=6f16c1h4b06a3f7a7d8v4baa34e9a6d58a949b5a78c2b23bb60c0d62791372e3
Stored in directory: /home/kali/.cache/pip/wheels/21/50/d0/8da8b10f46113f46c6f0247c5f59401293fb5b15aa7888a4ce
Building wheel for py-term (setup.py) ... done
Created wheel for py-term: filename=py_term-0.6-py3-none-any.whl size=6268 sha256=ab75424c7aa6ef71001a24c3e3a558ad3748ee0d6a3c0153c3a0cf955f814a13
Stored in directory: /home/kali/.cache/pip/wheels/76/cc/73/8ac13320a2a98600008575b936742bbb6025d21d674ca6e2fd
Successfully built rarfile py-term
Installing collected packages: rarfile, py-term
Successfully installed py-term-0.6 rarfile-3.1
现在应该准备使用 python3 命令运行 Zydra 了:
~$ python3 zydra.py
_______ ______ _______ _______
/ ___ )|\ /|( __ \ ( ____ )( ___ )
\/ ) |( \ / )| ( \ )| ( )|| ( ) |
/ ) \ (_) / | | ) || (____)|| (___) |
/ / \ / | | | || __)| ___ |
/ / ) ( | | ) || (\ ( | ( ) |
/ (_/\ | | | (__/ )| ) \ \__| ) ( |
(_______/ \_/ (______/ |/ \__/|/ \|
Author : Hamed Hosseini
Usage: zydra.py [options] [args]
Dictionary Mode:
zydra.py -f <file> -d <wordlist>
Brute force Mode:
zydra.py -f <file> -b <char_type> -m <min_length> -x <max_length>
Available char_type:
<lowercase> The lowercase letters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
<uppercase> The uppercase letters ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
<letters> The concatenation of the lowercase and uppercase
<digits> numbers 0123456789
<symbols> punctuation characters !#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>[email protected][\]^_`{|}~'"
<space> space character
You can select multiple character types.
Example: zydra.py -f <file> -b <space,digits> -m 1 -x 8
zydra.py: error: Choose a file, Use --help for more info
您会看到一个漂亮的小横幅,一个使用示例,以及一些可用选项的信息。它还报了一个错说明它需要一个文件,并告诉我们使用 -help 获取更多信息;这将给我们更多的细节和选项。
~$ python3 zydra.py --help
_______ ______ _______ _______
/ ___ )|\ /|( __ \ ( ____ )( ___ )
\/ ) |( \ / )| ( \ )| ( )|| ( ) |
/ ) \ (_) / | | ) || (____)|| (___) |
/ / \ / | | | || __)| ___ |
/ / ) ( | | ) || (\ ( | ( ) |
/ (_/\ | | | (__/ )| ) \ \__| ) ( |
(_______/ \_/ (______/ |/ \__/|/ \|
Author : Hamed Hosseini
Usage: zydra.py [options] [args]
Dictionary Mode:
zydra.py -f <file> -d <wordlist>
Brute force Mode:
zydra.py -f <file> -b <char_type> -m <min_length> -x <max_length>
Available char_type:
<lowercase> The lowercase letters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
<uppercase> The uppercase letters ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
<letters> The concatenation of the lowercase and uppercase
<digits> numbers 0123456789
<symbols> punctuation characters !#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>[email protected][\]^_`{|}~'"
<space> space character
You can select multiple character types.
Example: zydra.py -f <file> -b <space,digits> -m 1 -x 8
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DICTFILE Specifies dictionary file
-f FILE Specifies the file
-b CHARTYPE Specifies the character type
-m MINLENGTH Specifies minimum length of password
-x MAXLENGTH Specifies maximum length of password
在运行 Zydra 之前需要 一些文件 来测试它。本演示已经创建了一个 RAR 文件、还有 ZIP 文件和 PDF 文件,您可以下载并使用这些文件来进行测试。这三个文件的密码都是 “password1”。还有一个 影子文件 您可以下载,来自 Metasploitable 虚拟机。
还需要一个合适的词语表。由于这些文件的密码非常简单,这里将使用一个最小的列表来演示,这个来自 SecLists GitHub 库的列表就可以了。
~$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielmiessler/SecLists/master/Passwords/darkweb2017-top10.txt
--2020-07-15 19:08:05-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielmiessler/SecLists/master/Passwords/darkweb2017-top10.txt
Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)...,,, ...
Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 81 [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘darkweb2017-top10.txt’
darkweb2017-top10.tx 100%[======================>] 81 --.-KB/s in 0s
2020-07-15 19:08:05 (3.10 MB/s) - ‘darkweb2017-top10.txt’ saved [81/81]
Zydra 可以以两种模式进行操作:字典攻击和暴力破解。在字典模式下,只需要 -d 提供词语列表即可。我们还需要使用 -f 指定要尝试破解的文件:
~$ python3 zydra.py -f nb-rar.rar -d darkweb2017-top10.txt
_______ ______ _______ _______
/ ___ )|\ /|( __ \ ( ____ )( ___ )
\/ ) |( \ / )| ( \ )| ( )|| ( ) |
/ ) \ (_) / | | ) || (____)|| (___) |
ok / / \ / | | | || __)| ___ |
/ / ) ( | | ) || (\ ( | ( ) |
/ (_/\ | | | (__/ )| ) \ \__| ) ( |
(_______/ \_/ (______/ |/ \__/|/ \|
Author : Hamed Hosseini
Start time ==> Wed Jul 15 19:08:15 2020
Starting password cracking for /root/nb/nb-rar.rar /
[*] Count of possible passwords: 10
Progress : [##################################### ] 80.000 %
[+] Password Found: password1
End time ==> Wed Jul 15 19:08:41 2020
Execution time ==> 0:00:25.876620
对于暴力模式,需要多设置几个选项。我们仍然指定要破解的文件,但现在可以使用 -b 来设置用于暴力破解的字符类型。还可以分别使用 -m 和 -x 来设置密码的最小和最大长度。
~$ python3 zydra.py -f nb-rar.rar -b letters,digits -m 1 -x 10
_______ ______ _______ _______
/ ___ )|\ /|( __ \ ( ____ )( ___ )
\/ ) |( \ / )| ( \ )| ( )|| ( ) |
/ ) \ (_) / | | ) || (____)|| (___) |
/ / \ / | | | || __)| ___ |
/ / ) ( | | ) || (\ ( | ( ) |
/ (_/\ | | | (__/ )| ) \ \__| ) ( |
(_______/ \_/ (______/ |/ \__/|/ \|
Author : Hamed Hosseini
Start time ==> Wed Jul 15 19:09:01 2020
Starting password cracking for /root/nb/nb-rar.rar /
[*] Count of possible passwords: 853058371866181866
Progress : [ ] 0.000 %
~$ unrar x nb-rar.rar
UNRAR 5.61 beta 1 freeware Copyright (c) 1993-2018 Alexander Roshal
Extracting from nb-rar.rar
Enter password (will not be echoed) for test.txt:
破解ZIP文件的工作方式基本相同 —— 从现在开始只使用字典模式,因为它的效率更高。只需指定要破解的文件和要使用的词表。
~$ python3 zydra.py -f nb-zip.zip -d darkweb2017-top10.txt
_______ ______ _______ _______
/ ___ )|\ /|( __ \ ( ____ )( ___ )
\/ ) |( \ / )| ( \ )| ( )|| ( ) |
/ ) \ (_) / | | ) || (____)|| (___) |
ok / / \ / | | | || __)| ___ |
/ / ) ( | | ) || (\ ( | ( ) |
/ (_/\ | | | (__/ )| ) \ \__| ) ( |
(_______/ \_/ (______/ |/ \__/|/ \|
Author : Hamed Hosseini
Start time ==> Wed Jul 15 19:09:45 2020
Starting password cracking for /root/nb/nb-zip.zip /
[*] Count of possible passwords: 10
Progress : [##################################### ] 80.000 %
[+] Password Found: password1
End time ==> Wed Jul 15 19:10:10 2020
Execution time ==> 0:00:25.062398
要提取ZIP文件的内容,使用 unzip 命令:
~$ unzip nb-zip.zip
Archive: nb-zip.zip
[nb-zip.zip] example.txt password:
为了使 Zydra 处理PDF文件,需要首先安装一个名为 qpdf 的程序:
~$ sudo apt install qpdf
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following additional packages will be installed:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
libqpdf28 qpdf
0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 568 not upgraded.
Need to get 1,015 kB of archives.
After this operation, 2,690 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
Get:1 http://kali.download/kali kali-rolling/main amd64 libqpdf28 amd64 10.0.1-2 [479 kB]
Get:2 http://kali.download/kali kali-rolling/main amd64 qpdf amd64 10.0.1-2 [537 kB]
Fetched 1,015 kB in 1s (830 kB/s)
Selecting previously unselected package libqpdf28:amd64.
(Reading database ... 377060 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libqpdf28_10.0.1-2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libqpdf28:amd64 (10.0.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package qpdf.
Preparing to unpack .../qpdf_10.0.1-2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking qpdf (10.0.1-2) ...
Setting up libqpdf28:amd64 (10.0.1-2) ...
Setting up qpdf (10.0.1-2) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.30-4) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.9.1-1) ...
Processing triggers for kali-menu (2020.2.2) ...
~$ python3 zydra.py -f nb-sample.pdf -d darkweb2017-top10.txt
_______ ______ _______ _______
/ ___ )|\ /|( __ \ ( ____ )( ___ )
\/ ) |( \ / )| ( \ )| ( )|| ( ) |
/ ) \ (_) / | | ) || (____)|| (___) |
ok / / \ / | | | || __)| ___ |
/ / ) ( | | ) || (\ ( | ( ) |
/ (_/\ | | | (__/ )| ) \ \__| ) ( |
(_______/ \_/ (______/ |/ \__/|/ \|
Author : Hamed Hosseini
Start time ==> Wed Jul 15 19:10:30 2020
Starting password cracking for /root/nb/nb-sample.pdf /
[*] Count of possible passwords: 10
Progress : [##################################### ] 80.000 %
[+] Password Found: password1
[*] Your decrypted file is decrypted_nb-sample.pdf
End time ==> Wed Jul 15 19:10:55 2020
Execution time ==> 0:00:25.118694
它再次找到了密码,但这次有一个额外的对话。这只是告诉我们这个文件是原始文件的解密版本,可以用 file 命令来验证。
~$ file decrypted_nb-sample.pdf
decrypted_nb-sample.pdf: PDF document, version 1.4
Zydra 会自动尝试破解 Linux 影子文件中发现的任何用户的密码哈希。虽然它并不总是成功的,但这可以是一个很好的方法,首先尝试一下,因为它很简单便捷。
我们需要做的就是用 -f 指定文件,用 -d 指定词表。
~$ python3 zydra.py -f nb-shadow -d darkweb2017-top10.txt
_______ ______ _______ _______
/ ___ )|\ /|( __ \ ( ____ )( ___ )
\/ ) |( \ / )| ( \ )| ( )|| ( ) |
/ ) \ (_) / | | ) || (____)|| (___) |
ok / / \ / | | | || __)| ___ |
/ / ) ( | | ) || (\ ( | ( ) |
/ (_/\ | | | (__/ )| ) \ \__| ) ( |
(_______/ \_/ (______/ |/ \__/|/ \|
Author : Hamed Hosseini
Start time ==> Wed Jul 15 19:11:03 2020
Starting password cracking for /root/nb/nb-shadow /
[*] Count of possible passwords: 10
[**] cracking Password for: root
Progress : [##############################################] 100.000 %
[-] password not found
[**] cracking Password for: sys
[**] cracking Password for: klog
[**] cracking Password for: msfadmin
[**] cracking Password for: postgres
[**] cracking Password for: user
[**] cracking Password for: service
End time ==> Wed Jul 15 19:11:26 2020
Execution time ==> 0:00:22.062705
本教程探索了一个名为 Zydra 的工具,以及如何将其用于破解受密码保护的RAR文件,ZIP文件,PDF文件和 Linux 影子文件。尽管本演示毫不费力地破解了它们,但是使用强密码将大大增加破解的时间和精力。⚪️