Visually Understanding the Data on Foreign NGO Representative Offices and Temporary Activities

2021-04-01 作者: Jessica Batke & Shen Lu 原文 #中参馆 的其它文章

Visually Understanding the Data on Foreign NGO Representative Offices and Temporary Activities ——

The China NGO Project has created the following visualizations based on data available on the Ministry of Public Security website, as well as on our own research. To analyze foreign NGO representative offices, we looked at organizations’ countries/regions of origin, province and date of registration, fields of work, and number of representative offices per organization. For foreign NGO temporary activities, we looked at organizations’ countries/regions of origin, locations of activity, fields of work, and lengths of activities. Only temporary activities whose start date was on or before March 31, 2021 are included here; the activities may extend beyond March 31, but we did not include any activities whose start date was April 1 or later.

The representative offices and temporary activities included are based on the lists released by the Ministry of Public Security on their website. We have used English names of offices, activities, and organizations where available, and The China NGO Project has translated those for which we were not able to find English names or translations.

These visualizations are based on data available as of April1 1, 2021.

Total Number of Representative Offices, January 2017-March 2021: 568
Total Number of Temporary Activity Filings, January 2017-March 2021: 3,344

(Please see our complete, updated lists for up-to-date tallies of Representative Offices and Temporary Activity Filings.)

Correction: A previous version of the graph “Lengths of Temporary Activities Lasting Less than One Month,” with data for January-June and January-July, calculated the number of days of Temporary Activities with one fewer day than the Activities actually occurred. The current version of this graph reflects the correct number of days of these Temporary Activities.
