List of De-Registered Representative Offices

2021-11-30 原文 #中参馆 的其它文章

List of De-Registered Representative Offices ——

The following is a list of foreign NGOs which have de-registered a representative office in China after successfully registering under the 2017 Foreign NGO Law. The list, based on information available on the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) website, includes information about the work the organizations had been conducting in China.

Li Ka Shing Foundation (Hong Kong)
Registered: January 23, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: Throughout mainland China
Registration Location: Beijing
Scope of work: Provided funding to public welfare projects in the areas of healthcare, education, culture, disaster relief, and poverty alleviation
Professional Supervisory Unit: Beijing Ministry of Civil Affairs
De-registered: February 28, 2018

Japan External Trade Organization (Japan)
Registered: March 20, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hainan
Registration Location: Guangdong province
Scope of Work: Promoted trade and investment between China and Japan
Professional Supervisory Unit: Guangdong Department of Commerce
De-registered: June 29, 2018

The Europe-China Culture and Economy Commission (Belgium)
Registered: August 4, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: Henan province
Registration Location: Henan province
Scope of Work: Primarily functioned as a liaison to promote economic, cultural, and trade exchanges and cooperation between the European Union and Henan province
Professional Supervisory Unit: Henan Department of Commerce
De-registered: March 26, 2019

The World Future Council (Germany)
Registered: July 9, 2018
Permitted Area of Operations: Throughout mainland China
Registration Location: Beijing
Scope of Work: Supported policy research as well as international exchange and cooperation on climate change, sustainable urban development, ecological protection, solid waste management, and renewable energy
Professional Supervisory Unit: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
De-registered: April 9, 2019

The KYOTO Industrial Support Organization 21 (Japan)
Registered: November 22, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: throughout mainland China
Registration Location: Shanghai
Scope of Work: Promoted economic and trade development, as well as investment and technology exchanges, between China and Japan
Professional Supervisory Unit: Shanghai Commission of Commerce
De-registered: May 20, 2019

The Confederação Nacional do Transporte (CNT) (Brazil)
Registered: November 28, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: Beijing
Registration Location: Beijing
Scope of Work: Carried out non-profit activities related to the businesses of affiliated companies
Professional Supervisory Unit: Beijing Commission of Transport
De-registered: June 10, 2019

The Association for Suppliers of Printing, Publishing and Converting Technologies (NPES) (United States)
Registered: December 8, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: throughout mainland China
Registration Location: Shanghai
Scope of Work: Conducted market research and Sino-U.S. trade promotion related to the printing industry
Professional Supervisory Unit: Shanghai Commission of Commerce
De-registered: June 18, 2019

National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (Beijing) (South Korea)
Registered: June 6, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: Beijing, Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Liaoning, Ningxia, Qinghai, and Tianjin
Registration Location: Beijing
Scope of work: Exchanged information, conducted market research, and promoted Sino-South Korean trade related to aquatic products
Professional Supervisory Unit: Beijing Commission of Commerce
De-registered: August 22, 2019

The South Korea Northeast Asia Foundation For Education And Culture (South Korea)
Registered: September 5, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: Jilin province
Registration Location: Jilin province
Scope of work: Provided educational funding and resources to Yanbian University of Science and Technology
Professional Supervisory Unit: Jilin Department of Education
De-registered: August 27, 2019

Miyazaki Local Products and Trade Promotion Center (Japan)
Registered: May 31, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: Throughout mainland China
Registration Location: Shanghai
Scope of work: Engaged in information exchange and market research on trade and investment in China; promoted economic and trade exchanges
Professional Supervisory Unit: Shanghai Commission of Commerce
De-registered: October 12, 2019

Colleges and Institutes Canada (Canada)
Registered: October 24, 2018
Permitted Area of Operations: Guangdong
Registration Location: Guangdong
Scope of work: Developed academic exchanges and joint research projects
Professional Supervisory Unit: Guangdong Department of Education
De-registered: November 5, 2019

South Korea Shipbuilders’ Equipment Association (South Korea)
Registered: July 27, 2018
Permitted Area of Operations: Shanghai
Registration Location: Shanghai
Scope of work: Engaged in information exchange and market research on trade and investment in China; promoted economic and trade exchanges
Professional Supervisory Unit: Shanghai Commission of Commerce
De-registered: November 13, 2019

International Trademark Association (Shanghai) (United States)
Registered: April 1, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: China
Registration Location: Shanghai
Scope of work: Engaged in information exchange and market research related to intellectual property rights, promoted international economic and trade exchanges
Professional Supervisory Unit: Shanghai Commission of Commerce
De-registered: December 13, 2019

International Plant Nutrition Institute (Beijing) (Canada)
Registered: February 12, 2018
Permitted Area of Operations: Beijing, Chongqing, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Liaoning, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Tianjin, Tibet, Xinjiang, Xinjiang Bingtuan, Yunnan
Registration Location: Beijing
Scope of work: Cooperation related to the efficient use of plant nutrients
Professional Supervisory Unit: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
De-registered: December 30, 2019

SIL International (United States)
Registered: October 20, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: Yunnan
Registration Location: Yunnan
Scope of work: Developed education projects for ethnic minority students in Yunnan
Professional Supervisory Unit: Yunnan Department of Education
De-registered: August 3, 2020

Multimedia Revitalization Center (Japan)
Registered: January 10, 2018
Permitted Area of Operations: Beijing
Registration Location: Beijing
Scope of work: Carried out research on policies and trends in China’s information and communication fields, cooperated with Chinese institutions to promote exchange in related fields
Professional Supervisory Unit: Beijing Bureau of Economy and Information Technology (formerly Beijing Commission of Economy and Informatization)
De-registered: September 19, 2020

Overseas China Education Foundation (Guangxi) (United States)
Registered: June 19, 2019
Permitted Area of Operations: Guangxi
Registration Location: Guangxi
Scope of work: Monetary, material, and infrastructure support for educational purposes
Professional Supervisory Unit: Guangxi Department of Education
De-registered: November 6, 2020

Organization for Industrial, Spiritual, and Cultural Advancement-International (Japan)
Registered: April 18, 2018
Permitted Area of Operations: Beijing, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang
Registration Location: Inner Mongolia
Scope of work: Carried out research on afforestation and environmental protection
Professional Supervisory Unit: Inner Mongolia Forestry and Grassland Administration (formerly Inner Mongolia Forestry Administration)
De-registered: November 27, 2020

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (India)
Registered: September 4, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangdong
Registration Location: Beijing
Scope of work: Assisted with contact between member companies and Chinese associations and institutions, promoted the development and exchange of economic and trade relations
Professional Supervisory Unit: Beijing Bureau of Commerce (formerly Beijing Commission of Commerce)
De-registered: December 11, 2020

Scottish Development International (Beijing) (United Kingdom)
Registered: February 7, 2018
Permitted Area of Operations: Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang
Registration Location: Beijing
Scope of work: Shared trade and investment market research, information, and business contacts
Professional Supervisory Unit: Beijing Bureau of Commerce (formerly Beijing Commission of Commerce)
De-registered: December 17, 2020

Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong (Yunnan) (Hong Kong)
Registered: July 27, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: Yunnan
Registration Location: Yunnan
Scope of work: Cooperated with public welfare institutions and social organizations in Yunnan on disaster prevention, relief, and mitigation; housing renovation for low-income rural families; community water, sanitation, and other public facilities; to improve living conditions and enhance ability to respond to disasters
Professional Supervisory Unit: Yunnan Department of Civil Affairs
De-registered: December 22, 2020

Jian Hua Foundation, Ltd. (Hong Kong)
Registered: May 18, 2018
Permitted Area of Operations: Yunnan
Registration Location: Yunnan
Scope of work: Child welfare projects in Yunnan
Professional Supervisory Unit: Guangxi Department of Education
De-registered: December 22, 2020

China-Britain Business Council (Liaoning) (United Kingdom)
Registered: July 19, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang
Registration Location: Liaoning
Scope of work: Promoted trade and investment between Britain and China
Professional Supervisory Unit: Liaoning Department of Commerce
De-registered: January 5, 2021

International Association Volunteers (Hong Kong)
Registered: May 18, 2018
Permitted Area of Operations: Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Hainan
Registration Location: Hainan
Scope of work: Trained and managed international volunteers, promoted volunteerism, and supported volunteer service organizations
Professional Supervisory Unit: Hainan Department of Civil Affairs
De-registered: January 5, 2021

Kitakyushu Trade Association (Shanghai) (Japan)
Registered: September 18, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan
Registration Location: Shanghai
Scope of work: Engaged in information exchange and market research related to trade and investment in China, promoted economic and trade exchange
Professional Supervisory Unit: Shanghai Commission of Commerce
De-registered: January 11, 2021

Sun Culture Foundation (Hong Kong)
Registered: September 1, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: China
Registration Location: Beijing
Scope of work: Promoted the development of a culture of charity and philanthropy, provided art education for underprivileged children
Professional Supervisory Unit: Beijing Commission of Education
De-registered: January 25, 2021

Confederation of Indian Industry (India)
Registered: January 17, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: China
Registration Location: Shanghai
Scope of work: Promoted economic and trade exchanges between China and India
Professional Supervisory Unit: Shanghai Commission of Commerce
De-registered: February 15, 2021

Loaves and Fishes International (United States)
Registered: July 6, 2020
Permitted Area of Operations: Fujian
Registration Location: Fujian
Scope of work: Provided care and services for orphans and impoverished children
Professional Supervisory Unit: Fujian Department of Civil Affairs
De-registered: April 8, 2021

North Gyeongsang Economic Revitalization Institute (Beijing) (South Korea)
Registered: May 21, 2018
Permitted Area of Operations: Beijing, Heilongjiang
Registration Location: Beijing
Scope of work: Promoted research and exchange related to investment, trade environment, industrial policies, and small- and-medium-sized enterprises
Professional Supervisory Unit: Beijing Bureau of Commerce
De-registered: May 31, 2021

The Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (Beijing) (Colombia)
Registered: January 9, 2018
Permitted Area of Operations: Beijing, Chongqing, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanghai, Shanxi, Sichuan, Tianjin, Yunnan, Zhejiang
Registration Location: Beijing
Scope of work: Engaged in liaison and consulting work between Colombia and China related to the coffee trade
Professional Supervisory Unit: Beijing Bureau of Commerce
De-registered: August 23, 2021

Humana People to People China (Sichuan) (Switzerland)
Registered: September 8, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: Sichuan
Registration Location: Sichuan
Scope of work: Promoted preschool education, community development, health and hygiene, environmental protection, poverty relief, science and technology, social welfare and social work, and women’s development and gender equality in rural areas
Professional Supervisory Unit: Sichuan Department of Education
De-registered: September 2, 2021

China-Britain Business Council (Hubei) (United Kingdom)
Registered: January 8, 2021
Permitted Area of Operations: Henan, Hubei
Registration Location: Hubei
Scope of work: Promoted trade and investment between Hubei and Henan provinces and the United Kingdom
Professional Supervisory Unit: Hubei Department of Commerce
De-registered: September 16, 2021

Butterfly Children’s Hospices (Hong Kong)
Registered: September 10, 2018
Permitted Area of Operations: Hunan
Registration Location: Hunan
Scope of work: Raised funds for Butterfly Children’s Hospices, promoted professional nursing work for seriously or terminally ill children
Professional Supervisory Unit: Hunan Department of Civil Affairs
De-registered: October 19, 2021

Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong (Shanghai) (Hong Kong)
Registered: April 27, 2018
Permitted Area of Operations: Anhui, Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang
Registration Location: Shanghai
Scope of work: Provided disaster relief assistance, as well as services for impoverished families and elders
Professional Supervisory Unit: Shanghai Bureau of Civil Affairs
De-registered: November 8, 2021

China-Britain Business Council (Shandong) (United Kingdom)
Registered: October 19, 2017
Permitted Area of Operations: Shandong
Registration Location: Shandong
Scope of work: Promoted economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between the United Kingdom and China
Professional Supervisory Unit: Shandong Department of Commerce
De-registered: November 8, 2021
