
2019-03-04 作者: Yvan888 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

15: a chinese “restaurant” in a major east coast city, submitted on 2019-03-04 00:19:08+08:00.

—– 15.1 —–2019-03-05 13:10:53+08:00:

Feeling. Traditional Chinese characters, old style menu, old design items sold in street…

—– 15.2 —–2019-03-05 14:21:47+08:00:

Cuz the old Chinese immigrants in the west came from last century when China is backward but China develops fast in decades while China towns in the west stage

16: What are some Chinese “words” that you’ve made up because you didn’t know the real word?, submitted on 2019-03-04 01:17:33+08:00.

—– 16.1 —–2019-03-04 13:19:03+08:00:


—– 16.2 —–2019-03-04 13:21:36+08:00:

to my knowledge doesn‘t have a name for Dr. Pepper

Nah man, we call it 胡椒博士

One way to know the official translation is to search it in English Wikipedia and switch to Chinese version, vice versa.

—– 16.3 —–2019-03-04 21:30:45+08:00:

I didn't know "胡椒" was pepper as well

pepper can be 胡椒 or sth else. It really depends. But it seems that there is no one in China use 椒 lonely.

17: Jordan Peterson对于”白左”的解析, 也挺适用于粉红之类的中共支持者们, submitted on 2019-03-04 01:33:55+08:00.

—– 17.1 —–2019-03-08 04:45:51+08:00:





—– 17.2 —–2019-03-08 08:12:59+08:00:



Edit: white leftist here is a negative word, i.e. aggressive SJW, not related to the western left wing

—– 17.3 —–2019-03-08 08:37:12+08:00:



—– 17.4 —–2019-03-08 09:04:44+08:00:

我没否认你这句话(第二句),是你自己“拿着锤子看什么都是钉子”,连 r/China 里面那些不鸟中国的expat都downvote你,连这个sub里其他人的话你都能过度解读,你这种皈依者狂热症也是够了


—– 17.5 —–2019-03-08 09:19:07+08:00:


—– 17.6 —–2019-03-08 09:25:26+08:00:



—– 17.7 —–2019-03-08 10:00:38+08:00:


—– 17.8 —–2019-03-08 10:36:16+08:00:



18: What’s some juicy gossip you just found out in your personal lives?, submitted on 2019-03-04 01:45:20+08:00.

—– 18.1 —–2019-03-04 11:07:27+08:00:


19: As China tightens its grip on Hong Kong, Taiwan emerges as Asia’s hub for foreign media | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP, submitted on 2019-03-04 09:19:51+08:00.

—– 19.1 —–2019-03-04 23:05:53+08:00:

Even if it’s true, it’s still better than direct rape 😀


—– 19.2 —–2019-03-04 23:07:34+08:00:

GZ-er love the Cantonese HK televisions so much. Miss you guys

—– 19.3 —–2019-03-04 23:09:18+08:00:

This is what makes China strong and stealth

Yes in the past, big no in the future. Time changes

—– 19.4 —–2019-03-05 00:20:38+08:00:

I just didn’t get your points on your link, neither.

—– 19.5 —–2019-03-05 00:42:19+08:00:

I don’t think the think tanks in the pentagon will agree with you in some aspects

But PLA indeed lacks experience, not like the war machine the US, yeah

—– 19.6 —–2019-03-05 01:19:28+08:00:

China model is good at catch up but may not be that efficient when it beomes a global leader or innovater. May work in hardpower but definitely not in softpower.

Some of the things you list here, such as space exploration and OBOR, are not contradicred to my statement.

—– 19.7 —–2019-03-05 02:10:31+08:00:

Where is your logic??? Chinese students study in the west because the west is still leading everything, vice versa.

—– 19.8 —–2019-03-05 13:11:54+08:00:

R u Chinese?

—– 19.9 —–2019-03-05 14:20:07+08:00:

What is your Phd in? r/saraba1st seems interesting

Did you say post? Also, it’s better that you answer my question first? It seems that you have a various background which is interesting to me too.

—– 19.10 —–2019-03-06 01:47:07+08:00:

r/saraba1st is a sub for zealous anti-china oversea Chinese. I think their opinions are always biased but you can check. I asked what happen to current Chinese primier Li Keqiang because he lost lots of power as the rise of xi. Chinese movie, you can go to r/ChineseLanguage and search

20: I see Whole Foods hurting some sensitive feelings here., submitted on 2019-03-04 09:24:34+08:00.

—– 20.1 —–2019-03-04 11:28:55+08:00:

tbh if China can control all the red areas, nobody would mind we lose taiwan or even hainan

It reminds me the United States of China (aka Chinese Federation) in the Japanese anime Codegeass

Edit: I just read the link a bit and figure out, in this parallel universe, China has a better human rights record than the US besides EU, lol wtf

21: 推上的一些留言 关于大家的隐私, submitted on 2019-03-04 11:03:18+08:00.

—– 21.1 —–2019-03-05 02:08:53+08:00:



—– 22.1 —–2019-03-04 21:09:53+08:00:

scs will come in 2020

—– 22.2 —–2019-03-04 23:15:49+08:00:

Poor guy…

23: 反制来了,加拿大籍人员康明凯涉嫌犯罪案取得重要进展, submitted on 2019-03-04 19:24:10+08:00.

—– 23.1 —–2019-03-05 02:04:01+08:00:


上个post才看到一群人在感慨中国无法治,现在这里却把法律当作是政治武器/人质交换,这就是诸位对法治和the land of law的理解吗?如果前后赞贬的是同一批人,我只能说蛮讽刺的

—– 23.2 —–2019-03-05 02:06:22+08:00:


—– 23.3 —–2019-03-05 03:34:08+08:00:


—– 23.4 —–2019-03-05 03:37:04+08:00:


—– 23.5 —–2019-03-05 04:25:59+08:00:






下面有人竟然用“奥巴马吸大麻怎么不见中国抓他”来等同于孟晚舟案,可见即不了解事件过程也不了解法律流程(Source: 起诉孟晚舟原件)。

另外,可以查查美国对华为起诉原件,包括bonus program T-mobile案。

—– 23.6 —–2019-03-05 04:38:44+08:00:







上来就抱着法治洗地,我只能想起长者的那句,你们呐,too simple。

我做自干五也十年多了,不用你劳心教我,谢谢。若我这番话你都觉得过头的话,有空去 r/saraba1st 转转呗。

—– 23.7 —–2019-03-05 05:03:41+08:00:





Edit: one word

—– 23.8 —–2019-03-05 05:10:57+08:00:


Edit: 说个远点的,我个人觉得,中西之间还是意识形态间的分歧大于文明冲突的分歧。

—– 23.9 —–2019-03-05 05:24:14+08:00:


Ok congrats, 我只是看了看你reddit账号挺新的




—– 23.10 —–2019-03-05 05:34:40+08:00:


—– 23.11 —–2019-03-05 05:44:07+08:00:


—– 23.12 —–2019-03-05 05:58:23+08:00:



Par me?

—– 23.13 —–2019-03-05 06:06:21+08:00:


Edit: 另外,你前面跟白人说的那番关于“南海”的话太直白了,我不太建议,你这么想也没必要明说

—– 23.14 —–2019-03-05 06:18:20+08:00:


Edit: 给西方带来重大变革的的确是工业革命,但你不想想工业革命和科学思想为何在西方萌芽?除了古希腊逻辑思维的演变,是不是西方较为多元的结构也有助力呢?

—– 23.15 —–2019-03-05 06:22:25+08:00:


—– 23.16 —–2019-03-05 15:43:47+08:00:


—– 23.17 —–2019-03-06 07:43:33+08:00:

想想司徒雷登为何最后一个走吧, 想想克林顿为何拉中国进入WTO吧, 国内一天到晚说自己如何如何会忽悠西方, 其实那是西方希望中国能成为”自由世界”的一部分而自愿做出的妥协和努力, 西方一直都想把中国争取过来当作盟友. 当然, 鉴于现在华府对华新共识已经形成, 以后就是竞争为主了.

我不是天真地说美国会老老实实地让全部权力出来, 但是中西一直都是友敌(frenemy)的关系, 部分国人一味地受到”百年耻辱”的灌输, 只看到中西文明竞争的一面, 看不到中西可能的合作. 只执着于100年前殖民主义的怨念, 而看不到欧美近几十年在意识形态上的转变.

我很明确地跟你讲, 美欧起码偏liberalism那一派对中国的国家本身本来就没有什么敌意, 主要的分歧还是在意识形态上. 当然我也没有说tg就怎么完全不好, 只是希望给你反映个事实, 看问题要辩证地看待.

一天到晚只会打打打是没有出息的. 做世界霸主也要两条腿走路.

—– 23.18 —–2019-03-06 08:08:00+08:00:


巧了, 我怎么不觉得? 再者, 别人外国人来中国也觉得国人排外歧视也不少, 在世界融合的过程中当然会有很多摩擦, 但我并没有那么玻璃心




欧美还是有分歧的, 去欧洲论坛看一下?



—– 23.19 —–2019-03-06 08:14:49+08:00:

omg 我怎么就被只上网了 你认为我人在国内 ???

24: 表示这是在打谁的脸?, submitted on 2019-03-04 22:24:05+08:00.

—– 24.1 —–2019-03-05 02:25:01+08:00:


—– 24.2 —–2019-03-05 02:26:13+08:00:

rich john过去几年没啥成绩

啥都做不了 怎么有成绩?

25: Shiva and Parvati in Kizil Caves, Xinjiang, China 6th century, submitted on 2019-03-04 22:43:06+08:00.

—– 25.1 —–2019-03-05 01:04:13+08:00:

ancient meme?

—– 25.2 —–2019-03-05 02:11:46+08:00:

If my gf looks like that, I must have nightmare every night

26: 为什么墙内的开放区和墙外的reddit,同一批人,舆论差异会如此之大?, submitted on 2019-03-05 00:04:01+08:00.

—– 26.1 —–2019-03-05 02:27:01+08:00:

起码我不是 我是原redditor 根本不知道贵防区

—– 26.2 —–2019-03-05 02:34:04+08:00:

因为S2那边在吵 我就过来看看 S2有些人还是太过偏激了 虽然这里有时候也感觉这个sub挺红 不过畅所欲言总是一个好的开始 mod辛苦

reddit其实国人也是有的 但一般用英文混不同的sub

—– 26.3 —–2019-03-05 02:42:20+08:00:

但你karma不多 潜水为主吧?

27: Hundreds of millions of Chinese chat logs leak online, submitted on 2019-03-05 00:21:25+08:00.

—– 27.1 —–2019-03-05 02:39:16+08:00:

Chat logs leak, face info leak, on purpose?

—– 27.2 —–2019-03-05 03:14:21+08:00:


28: A new report says Google is still secretly working on its censored China search engine but the company outright denies it, submitted on 2019-03-05 05:10:30+08:00.

—– 28.1 —–2019-03-05 21:49:33+08:00:

I don’t see the point of your link? Am Chinese

—– 28.2 —–2019-03-06 01:01:25+08:00:

wow that’s how the reddit karma machine works

29: How to improve Chinese writing skills?, submitted on 2019-03-05 07:15:41+08:00.

—– 29.1 —–2019-03-05 21:12:22+08:00:

What about 字帖?

30: Sure fire way to remember stroke sequences! No I’m just kidding, you just need to repeat repeat repeat. If you are interested in learning the stroke sequence of another word, comment below and I can do another one next day! Cheers!, submitted on 2019-03-05 08:23:55+08:00.

—– 30.1 —–2019-03-05 21:10:21+08:00:


31: Google Employees Uncover Ongoing Work on Censored China Search, submitted on 2019-03-05 09:40:29+08:00.

—– 31.1 —–2019-03-05 10:49:18+08:00:

Why it seems that I heard this new several months ago?

32: Non-binary “genders” are personalities, not genders., submitted on 2019-03-05 11:11:51+08:00.

—– 32.1 —–2019-03-06 01:31:57+08:00:

that’s why he just mentioned English-speaking countries /s

33: Huawei says it would never hand data to China’s government. Experts say it wouldn’t have a choice, submitted on 2019-03-05 11:19:47+08:00.

—– 33.1 —–2019-03-05 12:36:05+08:00:


34: 离岸平衡手的存在对欧洲大陆屁民总体上是好还是坏?, submitted on 2019-03-05 12:45:03+08:00.

—– 34.1 —–2019-03-06 07:24:52+08:00:


35: 全员犯人?广东广雅中学2018智慧校园信息化采购项目招标文件, submitted on 2019-03-05 13:02:54+08:00.

—– 35.1 —–2019-03-06 07:21:02+08:00:


36: Would anyone like to peer review my essay for the Chinese class I’m in? It’s a requirement, just asking for feedback that will help me develop ideas and fix corrections/comments!, submitted on 2019-03-05 14:54:42+08:00.

—– 36.1 —–2019-03-07 04:39:22+08:00:

btw, the best and smart de-political behavior is to use mainland China (中国大陆) instead of China(中国)when puting PRC with ROC/HK/MC together. This is a buffer term for all of the people here no matter which position you stand. Just say.

—– 36.2 —–2019-03-07 07:02:34+08:00:

No. Mainland China is a term to distinguish CCP-direct-leading part with other parts, such as Hong Kong and Macau SAR, may or may not include Taiwan. That’s why it’s a buffer term because it can be accepted by both sides. Please know that both pro-independence and pro-unification are political claims.

Edit: while Greater China is a term that always contains mainland China, HK, MC, and frequently includes Taiwan, and sometimes includes Singapore.

37: TIP: On Steam you can choose Chinese as one of your languages and practice reading some very real Chinese!, submitted on 2019-03-05 17:51:42+08:00.

—– 37.1 —–2019-03-06 03:08:54+08:00:

imo picking up your most FAVORABLE one is the best choice.

38: This dance move, submitted on 2019-03-05 19:33:40+08:00.

—– 38.1 —–2019-03-06 03:05:58+08:00:


39: 普通大学生,想了解下若留学美国,能获得些什么收益,以及国内对美国的一些普遍看法是否属实(生活上), submitted on 2019-03-05 20:01:09+08:00.

—– 39.1 —–2019-03-06 11:18:31+08:00:



40: A buddy was tired of seeing Americans with Chinese tattoos, so he showed her what it looks to a Chinese person., submitted on 2019-03-05 21:21:49+08:00.

—– 40.1 —–2019-03-06 01:10:44+08:00:

Funny in this post, but not funny in life.

41: KFC dedicates China restaurant to memory of Communist hero, submitted on 2019-03-05 22:16:04+08:00.

—– 41.1 —–2019-03-07 01:52:59+08:00:

Dui, dui, dui, shi, dui, dui...

Sounds like what I say to my mum

42: As a Chinese person, How would an arrest in the US that resulted in a dismissal affect you in China, submitted on 2019-03-05 22:49:38+08:00.

—– 42.1 —–2019-03-06 05:32:51+08:00:

make your question more clear bro

43: 文史贴!健胃们讲一讲你们眼中的耄, submitted on 2019-03-06 01:16:30+08:00.

—– 43.1 —–2019-03-06 10:02:28+08:00:





—– 43.2 —–2019-03-06 10:17:44+08:00:


—– 43.3 —–2019-03-06 10:29:45+08:00:


44: Chinese Urban Dictionary : jikipedia, submitted on 2019-03-06 04:44:16+08:00.

—– 44.1 —–2019-03-06 05:40:42+08:00:

Find several funny words with Chinese characteristics:


Trump twitter





US president election

45: Chinese Urban Dictionary : jikipedia, submitted on 2019-03-06 04:47:18+08:00.

—– 45.1 —–2019-03-06 05:42:08+08:00:

Find several funny words with Chinese characteristics:


Trump twitter





US president election

46: 返回编辑模式国航客机迫降俄罗斯乘客雪地逃生, submitted on 2019-03-06 04:48:20+08:00.

—– 46.1 —–2019-03-06 05:29:35+08:00:

This is a sub for expat but not Chinese speaking user. What about posting on r/China_irl ?

Although I don’t think what your post will be welcome in there …

47: TanTan gets weirder everyday 😂, submitted on 2019-03-06 08:26:59+08:00.

—– 47.1 —–2019-03-06 10:47:22+08:00:

looks like a snake

—– 47.2 —–2019-03-06 22:28:00+08:00:



48: 今天人大会闭幕了!分享十大总结, submitted on 2019-03-06 09:20:27+08:00.

—– 48.1 —–2019-03-06 09:53:10+08:00:


ok 很棒

49: 好吧,谢谢阿姨, submitted on 2019-03-06 10:37:20+08:00.

—– 49.1 —–2019-03-07 00:30:03+08:00:

You may ask the server to give you a non-hot/cold water

—– 49.2 —–2019-03-07 06:47:24+08:00:

Gonna learn from Bear Grylls. Hope you can survive

50: Wuhan, China - A city 80x the size of Paris., submitted on 2019-03-06 12:34:20+08:00.

—– 50.1 —–2019-03-07 08:52:07+08:00:

If you include the water area, then Sansha City, which is located in the South China Sea and established recently to tighten territory control, should be one of (if not the only one) the biggest cities in the world, with 13 km^2 land and 2,000,000 km^(2) water.

51: What made you come to China/like China?, submitted on 2019-03-06 13:37:53+08:00.

—– 51.1 —–2019-03-06 23:49:30+08:00:

I have noticed the lack of individual/critical thinking with Japanese.


—– 51.2 —–2019-03-06 23:51:56+08:00:

appreciate your frank

52: Heaven doesn’t seem very appealing, submitted on 2019-03-06 15:12:11+08:00.

—– 52.1 —–2019-03-07 00:19:31+08:00:

So, weed?

53: It is perfectly acceptable to drink straight from the jug/carton if you live alone or nobody else in the home drinks it., submitted on 2019-03-06 20:41:31+08:00.

—– 53.1 —–2019-03-07 11:21:40+08:00:

Is this really an unpopular opinionn?

54: 中文-only Discussion! 2019-03-06, submitted on 2019-03-06 23:04:58+08:00.

—– 54.1 —–2019-03-07 04:24:10+08:00:


—– 54.2 —–2019-03-07 09:42:40+08:00:


55: [每日新闻] 3/6 未来: 自由市场开启, 顶薪教师换选秀权避免奢侈税?, submitted on 2019-03-06 23:07:49+08:00.

—– 55.1 —–2019-03-07 00:27:42+08:00:


56: 深度解读:面对新疆“再教育营” 西方的双重标准 (转自多维新闻), submitted on 2019-03-07 02:44:55+08:00.

—– 56.1 —–2019-03-07 09:34:33+08:00:

关键是这种行动都是绕过司法系统的,就每人弄张分数表,出国扣个分,种族扣个分,名字伊斯兰扣个分,扣没了就不经司法程序抓进去camp。我真是excuse me?




—– 56.2 —–2019-03-07 10:01:25+08:00:






—– 56.3 —–2019-03-07 13:03:08+08:00:


57: 大家好!你们最喜欢的中文电影是什么?我最喜欢的中文电影是 ”捉妖记” 和 ”不可思异”。, submitted on 2019-03-07 07:46:11+08:00.

—– 57.1 —–2019-03-07 09:38:32+08:00:


58: How to Cheat at Xi Jinping Thought: A newly mandatory app is eating up Chinese workers’ time—so they’re finding ways around it., submitted on 2019-03-07 20:50:09+08:00.

—– 58.1 —–2019-03-07 22:45:52+08:00:

There is a Xuexi Qiangguo karma machine on Github

59: 如何评价周恩来?, submitted on 2019-03-07 22:16:10+08:00.

—– 59.1 —–2019-03-07 23:52:24+08:00:


60: Population densities on the China-Russia border, submitted on 2019-03-07 22:18:05+08:00.

—– 60.1 —–2019-03-08 01:44:29+08:00:

Yes and no? I am not a big fan of ccp and not defending the Chinese govt. But lots of the news here always see China through the lens of western ideology. For example, I can confirm that not that much Chinese people think Social Credit System is a bad plan while it seems to be a taboo subject based on western values. So as others. Am Chinese

—– 60.2 —–2019-03-08 02:21:07+08:00:

To be fair, SCS is a 2020 plan… And the Sesame Credit System are popular among Chinese teens began several years ago

61: Researchers: Chinese influence operations seek to elevate China’s image, not sow discord, submitted on 2019-03-08 03:11:44+08:00.

—– 61.1 —–2019-03-08 06:16:22+08:00:

LOL you get the point. CCP is a huuuuuuge cooperation

62: China printing china, submitted on 2019-03-08 05:54:57+08:00.

—– 62.1 —–2019-03-08 09:57:16+08:00:


63: Guys help I can’t find Xi Jinping thought on the AppStore, submitted on 2019-03-08 06:28:09+08:00.

—– 63.1 —–2019-03-08 07:36:12+08:00:

I guess it’s in Chinese Apple store? Not sure which one you use

64: 传说国内思想最自由的地方在中央党校, submitted on 2019-03-08 08:41:12+08:00.

—– 64.1 —–2019-03-08 13:50:02+08:00:

我记得习上台第一年内 党校那边有人就对他评价低了 具体是啥事我忘了

65: Jin!, submitted on 2019-03-08 09:18:05+08:00.

—– 65.1 —–2019-03-08 14:15:55+08:00:

Technically, nothing wrong tho.

66: 今年的国庆节,会有大型庆祝活动吗? 适逢70周年, submitted on 2019-03-09 09:41:06+08:00.

—– 66.1 —–2019-03-11 14:13:20+08:00:



67: I like Reddit better in my phone than on my computer, am I alone in this one?, submitted on 2019-03-09 10:54:24+08:00.

—– 67.1 —–2019-03-09 23:38:13+08:00:

It really depends. I use Reddit app, Apollo in phone and iPad, plus the pc browser.

They all have good designs. But pc is good for typing a long passage especially if you have to do some research.

68: What’s wrong with chinese hospitals?, submitted on 2019-03-09 11:23:57+08:00.

—– 68.1 —–2019-03-10 22:06:01+08:00:

TCM is really common in Chinese life, lots of us prefer TCM in some cases such as skin problems. When I was a boy, I had TCM for fever cure.

I don’t buy the conspiracy and negative comments here. Simple. Just ask the doctor give you western medicine next time.

69: Writing Prompt: 你为什么决定了学中文?, submitted on 2019-03-09 12:28:37+08:00.

—– 69.1 —–2019-03-10 22:22:46+08:00:


70: Partly sunny day in Shanghai yesterday, submitted on 2019-03-09 17:59:04+08:00.

—– 70.1 —–2019-03-10 01:48:29+08:00:

What about New York

71: Italy signs up for belt and road infrastructure summit in China, submitted on 2019-03-09 18:16:40+08:00.

—– 71.1 —–2019-03-10 06:37:27+08:00:

LOL don’t forget that nearly all the major countries in Eupore, including UK, France, and Germany, are covered by OBOR and are the members of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank which is highly related to OBOR.

72: What is life in China like for a non-Chinese speaker?, submitted on 2019-03-09 20:30:24+08:00.

—– 72.1 —–2019-03-10 08:13:07+08:00:


—– 72.2 —–2019-03-10 13:26:37+08:00:

lol why are you using booking? What about the local counterparts such as Xiecheng and Quna’er, they may have more accurate info (I guess?)

—– 72.3 —–2019-03-10 13:57:12+08:00:

It makes sense. But I personally use all of them (Xiecheng, Quna’er, Booking, Google etc.) no matter I am in China or the states though all of them cover the major global areas. You may find the different information on both Apps and comments, especially if you go to the unusual-for-foreigner parts and sometimes the price may be different too (coupons, promotion, cooperation, etc).

73: 键委的键写错了!, submitted on 2019-03-09 23:46:51+08:00.

—– 73.1 —–2019-03-10 10:06:20+08:00:


74: [每日新闻] 3/9 这是华盛顿寄来的炮弹, 麻烦签收一下, submitted on 2019-03-10 00:16:13+08:00.

—– 74.1 —–2019-03-10 23:14:44+08:00:


75: 习总书记的博士论文大家看过吗?各位觉得水平高不高?, submitted on 2019-03-10 03:57:23+08:00.

—– 75.1 —–2019-03-10 14:45:15+08:00:


—– 75.2 —–2019-03-10 21:36:25+08:00:


76: My mother in Vietnam. 1980s, submitted on 2019-03-10 05:18:22+08:00.

—– 76.1 —–2019-03-10 13:11:21+08:00:

After seeing your comment, I just check all the comments below which I don’t always do that.

I come back and say, poor OP….

77: Stairs are enemies of the state, submitted on 2019-03-10 05:26:48+08:00.

—– 77.1 —–2019-03-10 10:04:50+08:00:

Kill twice

78: Shh, the car fire is sleepy, submitted on 2019-03-10 07:38:24+08:00.

—– 78.1 —–2019-03-10 13:13:30+08:00:

Then the people there will die too…

—– 78.2 —–2019-03-10 14:38:54+08:00:

Conservative troll?

79: Top Chinese officials plagiarised university theses, submitted on 2019-03-10 09:45:53+08:00.

—– 79.1 —–2019-03-10 12:37:55+08:00:

One reason is that the high ranked leaders know that they will pass it w/o any doubt, while the students face the risk of losing their degrees.

—– 79.2 —–2019-03-10 12:42:11+08:00:

Here is Xi’s PhD paper if you are interested.

The title and abstract are in English.

Edit: I’m not sure about the case of Xi, but Jiang and Hu ‘s STEM PhD papers should be real because they are not the ones from red families and were accepted formally by the uni.

—– 79.3 —–2019-03-10 13:15:36+08:00:

I would upvote you if that’s a satire and downvote you if you truely believe it.

—– 79.4 —–2019-03-10 14:31:25+08:00:

The most funny thing is that, he wanted to cover a huge field, something likes The development of Politics, Economics, Culture, and Society in Chinese Socialism (roughly) and his advisor prevented him from doing it.

Again, I don’t know how good his paper is since I didn’t read it carefully. But technically speaking, for a governer of a province, he may has read lots of materials in this field and has first hand information to finish his paper.

—– 79.5 —–2019-03-10 14:38:24+08:00:

Harvard Graduate is not that hard tho. (comparatively)

—– 79.6 —–2019-03-10 14:55:25+08:00:

Yes, market promotion is a key here.

Curious, are they Chinese or non-chinese from Harvard?

To be fair, lots of students even from Harvard are end in average middle class in the long term, including midlife crisis, it’s not that special.

—– 79.7 —–2019-03-11 00:32:01+08:00:

Every paper written in Chinese will provide an English abstract for international communication, so as my undergraduate thesis. For example, if you go to search the papers, you can at least know whether this paper is helpful to your field.

80: This picture of a British reporter being denied to speak at a meeting during one of the meetings of the CPPCC (Lianghui/两会) was published by the national media CCTV as a propaganda picture of demonstrating “freedom of speech” in mainland China., submitted on 2019-03-10 10:38:30+08:00.

—– 80.1 —–2019-03-10 22:31:13+08:00:

Different Wang tho.

Wang Yi 王毅 Wang Yang 汪洋

I just wrote them here to let others know.

—– 80.2 —–2019-03-10 22:35:02+08:00:

Ah, I miss the big boss…

81: This is killing… Twice, submitted on 2019-03-10 13:46:41+08:00.

—– 81.1 —–2019-03-10 21:42:18+08:00:


82: How to decide on surname in Chinese, submitted on 2019-03-10 14:20:14+08:00.

—– 82.1 —–2019-03-11 10:25:29+08:00:

八宝山 (it’s a joke)

83: Hello there, does anyone know which birds are represented in this character? It’s from Yunnan. My guess would be a crane and a Heron. But it’s just a guess. Thanks in advance, submitted on 2019-03-10 22:14:24+08:00.

—– 83.1 —–2019-03-10 22:39:18+08:00:

They shaped the birds to build the Chinese character “fortune” (福) here

So I don’t think it can be speculated based on the shape

—– 83.2 —–2019-03-10 23:11:30+08:00:

Crane is a good guess. Considering the long peck in the pic and the important role of crane in Chinese culture

84: [每日新闻] 3/10 737MAX又摔了, submitted on 2019-03-10 23:24:56+08:00.

—– 84.1 —–2019-03-11 01:35:33+08:00:


—– 84.2 —–2019-03-11 06:42:13+08:00:


85: Africans were just as complicit in the slave trade as Europeans and should share the blame., submitted on 2019-03-10 23:48:52+08:00.

—– 85.1 —–2019-03-11 05:49:18+08:00:

Although I’m Chinese (non-White), I stand with you here. When we were in the schools, the teachers always blame everything to the western imperialism and colonialism.

But now, the more I learnt, the more I know that history is complicated and it’s wrong to put all the things to one side being accountable.

So as the black slavery history. So as the Chinese Century of Humiliation. So as others.
