
2019-03-18 作者: Yvan888 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

112: 政治小白好奇,陈良宇,目前看到底怎么样?, submitted on 2019-03-18 07:58:59+08:00.

—– 112.1 —–2019-03-18 11:24:15+08:00:


—– 112.2 —–2019-03-18 21:36:17+08:00:





113: 如此黑暗的未来是否还有娶妻生子买房的必要?, submitted on 2019-03-18 17:02:56+08:00.

—– 113.1 —–2019-03-25 11:27:57+08:00:


114: Chinese businessmen donate 2.1 million NZD to Christchurch Mosque shooting victims, submitted on 2019-03-18 17:05:28+08:00.

—– 114.1 —–2019-03-19 20:41:43+08:00:

tbh what’s problem if he has ties to the ccp or not? If we know that he just donates but not bribes or sth. Sounds like the donation fron other govts are always good things but the ones from ccp are definitely bad things

115: Dororo - Episode 11 discussion, submitted on 2019-03-18 22:06:44+08:00.

—– 115.1 —–2019-03-20 04:42:13+08:00:

agree! Where can I find this soundtrack? I have tried for a day.

116: 为什么许多外国人在两岸问题上是“天然深绿”?, submitted on 2019-03-19 02:43:05+08:00.

—– 116.1 —–2019-03-20 03:04:04+08:00:


117: Dororo episode 12 preview, submitted on 2019-03-19 06:31:00+08:00.

—– 117.1 —–2019-03-21 01:10:05+08:00:

Dororo is she

—– 117.2 —–2019-03-25 04:45:36+08:00:

he regards himself as male.


118: Chinese pastry student decorating your cake., submitted on 2019-03-19 09:32:48+08:00.

—– 118.1 —–2019-03-19 20:29:59+08:00:

Oh man, that is just a little cake. Let it go.

I think it’s because lots of Chinese don’t like the cakes tasting too sweet or creamy. Because I don’t like the cakes in the states tbh

119: Chinese Huawei dropped. Swedes shall construct new danish 5G network., submitted on 2019-03-19 13:09:55+08:00.

—– 119.1 —–2019-03-21 03:08:24+08:00:

What about the patents

120: EU accelerates moves to block China’s market access, submitted on 2019-03-19 14:52:13+08:00.

—– 120.1 —–2019-03-21 03:17:25+08:00:

Why Tesla is mentioned here, alone with other digital tech giants?

—– 120.2 —–2019-03-22 23:40:48+08:00:

Make senses thx. But as I know, lots of traditional automobile companies, including the Europe ones, aslo invest heavily on autopilot tech

121: Really 真的吗? lol 笑哭😂, submitted on 2019-03-19 14:52:36+08:00.

—– 121.1 —–2019-03-20 02:38:39+08:00:

That’s exactly what I felt when coming to the states

—– 121.2 —–2019-03-21 06:51:01+08:00:

tbh lots of Chinese won’t do that cuz we are lazy and the menu items are enough

122: The results of a new study show that American computer science graduates are still vastly outperforming peers in China, Russia, and India, the three countries who along with the United States produce more than half of the computer science graduates worldwide., submitted on 2019-03-19 18:13:57+08:00.

—– 122.1 —–2019-03-20 08:50:38+08:00:

As an international students, I also feel “annoying” that we have to pay much higher tuitions and pass the higher bars.

I’m not complaining, just wanna say it’s a relatively fair game and at least some local students actually get benefit from us.

Also, lots of international students stay in the states to feed the US in the long term which also benefit the locals

—– 122.2 —–2019-03-22 06:23:31+08:00:

Don’t you see my quotation marks?

123: 哈萨克斯坦总统纳扎尔巴耶夫宣布辞职, submitted on 2019-03-19 23:00:20+08:00.

—– 123.1 —–2019-03-21 05:13:10+08:00:


edit: 新疆等的恐袭更多是分裂势力的症状,跟那种圣战份子有质的不同

124: Taiwan and the U.S. will hold talks later this year to counter Beijing’s growing pressure for unification, submitted on 2019-03-19 23:47:29+08:00.

—– 124.1 —–2019-03-20 02:33:06+08:00:

没可比性 主体民族占比天壤之别

—– 124.2 —–2019-03-20 08:19:35+08:00:


125: What is this guy doing!?!, submitted on 2019-03-20 00:06:35+08:00.

—– 125.1 —–2019-03-20 02:14:36+08:00:

Thb I’m local but I have no idea

126: World population distribution by latitude and longitude - animated, submitted on 2019-03-20 02:27:00+08:00.

—– 126.1 —–2019-03-21 07:29:20+08:00:

lol click in to find this comment ~ the Harvard boyyyyyyy

127: 三个代表理论不了了之是中国这十几年最大的遗憾, submitted on 2019-03-20 05:18:50+08:00.

—– 127.1 —–2019-03-21 05:02:32+08:00:





—– 127.2 —–2019-03-21 05:05:47+08:00:


—– 127.3 —–2019-03-21 05:06:58+08:00:


—– 127.4 —–2019-03-21 05:42:54+08:00:


Edit: 所以你认为制度应该怎么安排?我是想不出的,三个代表是为了吸收改开后的利益集团,根本目的还是统战,所以主导的势力肯定也必然是tg。这就又回到“即当裁判员又当运动员”的老问题了…你如何建立一个制度确保“一直吸收新人但又不被新人反噬”?反噬的界限又在哪儿?

—– 127.5 —–2019-03-21 15:36:00+08:00:


128: 《“我对你所有的恨,都藏在一个铁盒子里。”》by 押沙龙yashl, submitted on 2019-03-20 05:19:15+08:00.

—– 128.1 —–2019-03-20 06:01:08+08:00:



129: One in five Chinese children is overweight or obese, study reveals, submitted on 2019-03-20 08:02:45+08:00.

—– 129.1 —–2019-03-20 21:05:46+08:00:

Salad indeed tastes like shit if you wanna keep healthy and don’t put any fat on it

—– 129.2 —–2019-03-21 00:18:24+08:00:

GREAT! One day I must try your salad. My point was the dressing, since I haven’t tried one salad tasting delicious without the dressing like honey mustard (Tasting delicious means I wanna have it every day). Especially the ones I buy from Wal-Mart, just Ugh…

130: 在IRL版块发现一个高度疑似网评员的ID、兼谈”翻墙自干五 vs 五毛网评员”思维模式的区别, submitted on 2019-03-20 10:13:13+08:00.

—– 130.1 —–2019-03-20 20:30:04+08:00:


—– 130.2 —–2019-03-20 20:31:58+08:00:


131: 尽管有美国抗议,德国仍然期待华为, submitted on 2019-03-20 13:04:06+08:00.

—– 131.1 —–2019-03-21 12:29:15+08:00:

FYI: RT是亲俄媒体,顺带也亲中

—– 131.2 —–2019-03-21 15:00:14+08:00:


132: Luggage revenge, submitted on 2019-03-20 14:34:25+08:00.

—– 132.1 —–2019-03-21 04:32:57+08:00:

SCS is a 2020 plan

133: Reincarnation of Dalai Lama needs gov’t approval, “applications must be submitted to the religious affairs department of the [government]” (2007), submitted on 2019-03-20 15:17:29+08:00.

—– 133.1 —–2019-03-20 20:50:35+08:00:

To be fair, this is kinda Chinese tradition but not just ccp

134: “神韵”,法轮功,与“文昭谈古论今”, submitted on 2019-03-20 15:30:55+08:00.

—– 134.1 —–2019-03-20 20:43:21+08:00:


135: TIL: that the Chinese government has an AI survelliance system that uses +20M cameras and facial recognition to track citizens behavior and monitor criminals. They officially named it: “Skynet” - because of Terminator…!, submitted on 2019-03-20 15:50:03+08:00.

—– 135.1 —–2019-03-25 05:54:15+08:00:

These arrogant idiots just don’t care even you told the truth. Check your upvote numbers. They just wanted to afraid what they want to afraid.

136: Just turned 22, got promoted, got my own office, you guys can’t bring me down, submitted on 2019-03-20 17:50:55+08:00.

—– 136.1 —–2019-03-21 07:38:23+08:00:


—– 136.2 —–2019-03-21 07:38:55+08:00:

So he abused himself?

—– 136.3 —–2019-03-21 07:42:13+08:00:

Oh man I reply exactly the SAME sentence two hours later than you lol

137: People who can get up early (6am or earlier), How?, submitted on 2019-03-20 19:05:20+08:00.

—– 137.1 —–2019-03-21 05:16:33+08:00:

Fix schedule

—– 137.2 —–2019-03-21 05:36:23+08:00:

tbh this is the MAIN reason why I wanna be a morning person. I don’t hate people but I enjoy staying alone. I like the feeling that I am the owner of this world, which only happens in the early morning.

—– 137.3 —–2019-03-21 05:39:38+08:00:

I think it’s the most satisfied answer and fit me well. Especially if you enjoy having a moment to stay alone and quietly every day, you would know what we are talking about

—– 137.4 —–2019-03-21 06:46:16+08:00:

Only regret I have is that this happens on weekends as well

Sounds good to me. It means that you can finish your tasks as productive as in your weekdays

138: The absolute madlad stops Chinese con-artist, submitted on 2019-03-20 20:10:20+08:00.

—– 138.1 —–2019-03-21 04:17:32+08:00:

That’s why, as a Chinese, I never use Gmail and Google calendar although I think they’re much better than outlook… Sad

139: Whether Every Country Imports More from China, the US, or Germany, submitted on 2019-03-20 22:30:16+08:00.

—– 139.1 —–2019-03-21 04:36:55+08:00:

HK is part of China but when we do the economical calculation we separate mainland China, hk, and Macau because they are all independent economies. However, lots of stuffs imported from hk can be attribute to mainland China because of tax or some shits so it’s quite complicated

140: [每日新闻] 3/20 保证最多只任3届, submitted on 2019-03-20 22:39:55+08:00.

—– 140.1 —–2019-03-21 04:55:03+08:00:

9届=45年… 习某那时90+岁了 omg

—– 140.2 —–2019-03-21 04:55:49+08:00:


141: When Weibo Was a Free-Speech Haven, submitted on 2019-03-21 00:05:13+08:00.

—– 141.1 —–2019-03-21 02:53:50+08:00:

Tbh I hate BOTH.

The Age of Gongzhi (~2008)


The Age of Little Pink (now)

Edit: I figure out I’m always the minority on the Internet no matter how the mainstream voice change wtf :)

142: 修宪的成功是否说明人民代表大会制度基本只是一个摆设?, submitted on 2019-03-21 01:37:06+08:00.

—– 142.1 —–2019-03-21 12:13:06+08:00:


—– 142.2 —–2019-03-22 13:18:33+08:00:


143: nin yang, liner and marker, 5.5”x8.5”, submitted on 2019-03-21 02:22:44+08:00.

—– 143.1 —–2019-03-21 07:33:11+08:00:

Like a mix of Chinese and western culture

144: TIL that to apply to become a communist party member in China, you need to write periodic “thought reports” for two years, detailing your opinions on society and about your personal life. Additionally you have to attend classes once a week for three months and pass a final exam., submitted on 2019-03-21 02:42:41+08:00.

—– 144.1 —–2019-03-25 06:07:26+08:00:

but the contents of these mandatory marxism classes really depend on the instructors, at least in my uni. Some of them teach Marxism and some of them just don’t give a shit and teach other contents they want such as western economics, Chinese history, etc.

—– 144.2 —–2019-03-25 06:08:24+08:00:

do you mean xuexi qianguo? lol

145: This creative bookshelf insert, submitted on 2019-03-21 03:43:01+08:00.

—– 145.1 —–2019-03-21 07:10:22+08:00:

It’s definitely annoying to clean it tho.

^(Downvote me)

146: 新疆大学、伊犁师范大学撤去维语校徽, submitted on 2019-03-21 04:16:56+08:00.

—– 146.1 —–2019-03-21 04:51:55+08:00:


—– 146.2 —–2019-03-21 09:34:00+08:00:


—– 146.3 —–2019-03-21 12:17:44+08:00:


—– 146.4 —–2019-03-21 12:18:53+08:00:


Edit: 去掉情绪色彩的帽子

—– 146.5 —–2019-03-21 12:20:02+08:00:


—– 146.6 —–2019-03-21 12:25:25+08:00:


—– 146.7 —–2019-03-21 12:28:11+08:00:





—– 146.8 —–2019-03-21 12:55:45+08:00:




—– 146.9 —–2019-03-21 13:42:37+08:00:


—– 146.10 —–2019-03-21 14:00:50+08:00:


—– 146.11 —–2019-03-21 14:15:16+08:00:





—– 146.12 —–2019-03-21 14:41:08+08:00:




—– 146.13 —–2019-03-21 14:48:09+08:00:

我明白你的意思,但就你这句话在这个楼就很不契合。就有点像别人家葬礼,大家在哀悼,你进来说“人都会死掉的有什么大惊小怪”…. 你这句话的内容当然可以说没错,但就这个味道… 唔,自己体会下 thx

—– 146.14 —–2019-03-21 15:06:03+08:00:


—– 146.15 —–2019-03-21 15:27:53+08:00:

  1. 我那葬礼是个比喻而已

  2. 新疆现在已经开始不仅强力去除穆斯林化(这个我不反对)也开始禁维语了。禁维语主要是因为前几年维语课本被植入疆独思想

  3. 是啊,每年春晚都看到“维族舞蹈”,你有空去数一下有几个是维族,为何基本是汉族,奇怪吗?想想为什么?

  4. TG也不能说完全灭绝文化,但它是强制要求被严格管控下的文化。不说维吾尔族那么远,看看广州现在00后基本很少会讲粤语就知道了。广州2010年撑粤游行和后续活动 你知道吗?

  5. 其实我也没怪TG的意思,根源是中国元明清开始的僵化的过度大一统思想(我没说大一统不好,但过度不好),直接压制社会的活力、思想和多元化,并且为自己制造很多不必要的敌人和麻烦。不改变,终会有报应(不是迷信那种,是社会发展的规律)

—– 146.16 —–2019-03-21 15:31:47+08:00:


—– 146.17 —–2019-03-21 20:37:44+08:00:




—– 146.18 —–2019-03-21 20:42:08+08:00:



—– 146.19 —–2019-03-21 22:18:06+08:00:



—– 146.20 —–2019-03-21 23:01:16+08:00:


—– 146.21 —–2019-03-22 13:12:57+08:00:



—– 146.22 —–2019-03-29 03:28:26+08:00:


Edit: 维语没掉是历史潮流???呵呵。大概德国纳粹跟你想法一样,毕竟“非雅利安文化死掉”也是历史潮流

147: My “Moderate” Uyghur School Friend Thanks China, submitted on 2019-03-21 04:35:01+08:00.

—– 147.1 —–2019-03-21 08:22:14+08:00:

If 1 sc = Samsung Microwave, I would say it’s a good deal.

—– 147.2 —–2019-03-21 10:33:04+08:00:

They must get the 连座 idea from ancient China. Effective and ruthless

—– 148.1 —–2019-03-21 07:24:16+08:00:

I know it’s a satire but hanging Chinese flags in Nazi style (vertically hanging a long flag) is totally FALSE

Edit: ok maybe I picked up a wrong word, it’s a comic plot but not satire. Anyway, I just wanna point out that it’s not true to hang Chinese flag that way in case someone doesn’t know that

—– 148.2 —–2019-03-21 08:18:27+08:00:

I guess I could create a new post in this sub…

—– 148.3 —–2019-03-21 09:57:31+08:00:


—– 148.4 —–2019-03-21 10:10:48+08:00:

I’ve seen this movie bro. I think it’s a comic plot

—– 148.5 —–2019-03-21 10:13:47+08:00:

OK, I’ve seen this movie. I think a more correct description is comic plot but not satire

149: What “common sense” is actually wrong?, submitted on 2019-03-21 05:33:06+08:00.

—– 149.1 —–2019-03-21 22:21:20+08:00:

Opposite personalities attract


150: 被发声亮剑的"温和维吾尔"同学吓了一跳, submitted on 2019-03-21 05:43:38+08:00.

—– 150.1 —–2019-03-21 06:56:20+08:00:


151: Chinese characters on a star grid, submitted on 2019-03-21 06:06:41+08:00.

—– 151.1 —–2019-03-21 06:49:41+08:00:

you can buy some zi4 tie3 (字帖)

152: 立此存照】新疆大学、伊犁师范大学撤去维语校徽, submitted on 2019-03-21 08:02:17+08:00.

—– 152.1 —–2019-03-21 12:37:03+08:00:


—– 152.2 —–2019-03-21 20:50:31+08:00:


—– 152.3 —–2019-03-23 01:37:39+08:00:


—– 152.4 —–2019-03-23 12:06:22+08:00:


153: What do Chinese millennials actually think of Xi/CCP?, submitted on 2019-03-21 08:11:20+08:00.

—– 153.1 —–2019-03-21 08:24:35+08:00:

I’m not 00s but based on my observation lots of them are pro-ccp. Still, it’s too early to say that since they haven’t built stable values and thoughts but I don’t think they will change a lot unless China fails suddenly

There is a famous red anime called Year Hare Affair (那年那兔那些事) which prevails in the Chinese teens. You can check it out.

P.S. I would say I don’t have much first hand experience irl with 00s but I spend lots of time online to talk with them.

Edit: reply to your added point. I bet everyone knows 三民主义 cuz it’s an indispensable part taught in middle school and high school history class.

Edit: sorry, I searched the definition of Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old). So I am one of millennials (I thought you were talking about the ones born after 2000 my bad). But my answer on 00s above still makes sense to 90s and I can say lots of them are pro-ccp too. A few of them in my WeChat moment even claim that how they earned karma in xuexi qiangguo. Of course, lots of my friends don’t have much interest in politics but it’s not that correct to say they are anti-ccp. I know several of them strongly anti-ccp tho (appr. 1 in my primary school, 4 in my middle school, 1 in my high school, 3 in my cn uni, and 1 in my us uni).

Verrry roughly, for the people around me pro-ccp/do-not-care/anti-ccp is 3.5:5.5:1. Not sure 80s but I don’t think they have huge difference. I come from a province which is political apathy and the data may be different in other places.

—– 153.2 —–2019-03-21 09:23:03+08:00:

Do you really feel that or just believe that the Chinese people studying or doing business oversea are always anti-ccp?

Because it’s totally contradict to my experience and sometimes I suspect we live in a parallel universe.

I know it’s a random thing tho.

—– 153.3 —–2019-03-21 09:55:31+08:00:

I personally won’t call searching banned documents as “awakening”. It’s a natural movement of every curious Chinese who goes abroad the first time. But it is faaaaar away from that they will turn to be anti-ccp immediately after knowing these materials. Seriously, I have that experience.

I’m lucky enough that I didn’t encounter any negative experience from the western students. Most of them are kind and open-minded. I’m not sure about other Chinese teens. But lots of them seem to love China more after going abroad due to other factors. It’s a long story and I don’t go to expand it here.

—– 153.4 —–2019-03-21 11:17:59+08:00:

u/xiefeilaga gives the point about racism, you give the point about homesick and psychological defense mechanism, both are good.

I give another point here, lots of them grew up with the domestic propagandas saying how the west is advanced but when they go to see the “real” west, they figure out a “retarded” west, outdated infrastructures (eu and ny), boring and inconvenient rural lifes (us small towns), cumbersome and inefficient system (politics, hospital, etc.), anti-intellectuallism and frequent shooting cases (partial us)… They are disappointed about this unexpectation and think Chinese model is proved good and efficient by decades’ high-speed growing. They are much more confident than their parents because they see a rise of China with prosperity. They are the generation of witness. At the same time, the western system seems to have their own “problems” recently, brexit, trump, the rise of Europe right wings, Greek bankruptcy, eu refugee crisis, etc.

However, lots of them don’t dig out the root of the western system and values which are the “real” west in my eyes.

I’m not saying the western system is prefect and Chinese system is totally awful, but I suspect lots of my dear Chinese fellows may be too confident due to Chinese blooming economic in last 40 years and ignore the crisis under the warer in long term. btw the west has their own problems in this century tho…

—– 153.5 —–2019-03-21 11:26:30+08:00:

But why you tag youself “China”…

—– 153.6 —–2019-03-21 11:30:35+08:00:

Ok… I thought it’s refers to the user’s original country lol

154: Xinjiang universites removing Uyghur language from logo, submitted on 2019-03-21 09:29:25+08:00.

—– 154.1 —–2019-03-21 10:44:28+08:00:

All the streets in China? Arabic? wth? Where?

P.S. Uyghur use Arabic alphabet system but they are totally two things….

—– 154.2 —–2019-03-21 10:48:51+08:00:

Also, they erased the Sky Mountain 天山 (Maybe?) in the left side logo

—– 154.3 —–2019-03-21 10:51:50+08:00:

Ok now it makes senses. But it’s a total different story from Uyghur’s. Since there is no Arabic native in China, erasing the Arabic signs doesn’t matter

—– 154.4 —–2019-03-21 11:21:18+08:00:

I think it depends on the flavor of the school leaders…

—– 154.5 —–2019-03-21 11:36:20+08:00:

I know but Hui doesn’t use Arabic, offically they’re Han and other EA groups who believe Islam.

Some of them may prefer the original Arabic Koran tho

—– 154.6 —–2019-03-21 11:49:36+08:00:

that’s true. I love Lanzhou Lamian 兰州拉面 and know that their menus always have Arabic. I think it’s a religional decoration or Halal symbol.

—– 154.7 —–2019-03-21 13:28:28+08:00:

It’s true but I don’t think you need to add quotation marks here. ME countries such as SA subsidizing Arabic Islam is not a secret, the difference is that whether you think it’s a fair movement or not.

In 2016, Chinese govt wanted to pass a halal food law to promote the halal food industry, causing huge grumbles from the people. China accepted large amount of Arabic academic books from SA. China helped to build lots of huge and fancy mosques.

It’s amazing to see China’s U turn this year, both de-Islamism and de-Uhghur-ism which was triggered several years ago.

—– 154.8 —–2019-03-21 13:58:50+08:00:

This story is interesting so I did some research. The article says it happened under the background of Yinchuan’s Arabization and some Hui think Arabic is their mother language

—– 154.9 —–2019-03-21 14:19:45+08:00:

tbh it really depends on what they want, then they can pick up the pieces in the history which would support their claims. It’s a matter of benefit.

—– 154.10 —–2019-03-21 14:56:15+08:00:

how do you know it’s a political oppression but not normal business movement?

—– 154.11 —–2019-03-21 14:58:24+08:00:

…salute to day dreamer

—– 154.12 —–2019-03-21 15:10:21+08:00:

I didn’t say it won’t. Just want to know more facts tho. tbh the only Uyghur food I tried is their BBQ street food. Curious about their restaurant

—– 154.13 —–2019-03-21 15:10:56+08:00:

Not English tho. It’s derived from French, École normale.

—– 154.14 —–2019-03-21 15:12:59+08:00:

newspeak and newworld

—– 154.15 —–2019-03-21 15:13:32+08:00:

Not English tho. It’s derived from French, École normale.

—– 154.16 —–2019-03-21 15:13:53+08:00:

Not English tho. It’s derived from French, École normale.

—– 154.17 —–2019-03-21 20:47:12+08:00:

Dapanji is a Han cuisine flowed to xinjiang that’s why it’s popular in proper china.

—– 154.18 —–2019-03-21 21:02:25+08:00:

That is UYGHUR not Arabic. They use the same alphabet system but are different things…

—– 154.19 —–2019-03-22 04:07:40+08:00:

Majority Arabic (alphabet) plus some Latin (alphabet)

—– 155.1 —–2019-03-21 13:06:28+08:00:

Too real. Truth hurts.

156: Merkel resists US pressure to ban Huawei as Germany launches 5G auction, submitted on 2019-03-21 11:14:54+08:00.

—– 156.1 —–2019-03-21 13:14:47+08:00:

EU and US are not in the same boat.

GB, FR, and DE are not in the same boat.


157: I’ve been searching hours but still can’t find 嫦娥, what does this mean?, submitted on 2019-03-21 12:50:13+08:00.

—– 157.1 —–2019-03-21 13:10:50+08:00:

In short: Chinese god of moon

Long version: a romantic but sad story begins…. (10000 chars here)

158: June 4 Tiananmen square massacre, submitted on 2019-03-21 12:52:35+08:00.

—– 158.1 —–2019-03-21 13:09:09+08:00:

? I don’t see the point of this post

159: India again gave a signal to boycott China’s BRI meeting, submitted on 2019-03-21 13:02:40+08:00.

—– 159.1 —–2019-03-21 13:08:23+08:00:

cuz India cannot join obor…

160: How much do you know about the religious persecution currently happening in Xinjiang, China?, submitted on 2019-03-21 13:15:06+08:00.

—– 160.1 —–2019-03-22 05:54:23+08:00:

That’s true. One reason is that xinjiang is more inhabitable than Tibet.

—– 160.2 —–2019-03-22 05:57:45+08:00:

The Mongolians and the Manchu were both foreign invaders that conquered China but ended up being completely assimilated into Chinese culture.

To be fair, in this case, it’s the Mongolians themselves decide to self-sinicize.

—– 160.3 —–2019-03-22 06:03:49+08:00:

Am Chinese, in short

  1. Some of them: Yes and increasing but idk the exact number

  2. Some of them: Yes and it’s an ongoing process for decades, the most famous org is East Turkish

But it’s also wrong to say about all of them. For instance, there are lots of Uyghurs ccp members, celebrities, etc.

—– 160.4 —–2019-03-22 06:09:58+08:00:

I don’t see the relationship between Taiwan and Chinese minority… Taiwan issue is officially an unfinished civil war.

—– 160.5 —–2019-03-22 06:22:02+08:00:

It really depends on how you think of it. Except the indigenous Taiwanese aborigines which occupy less than 5%, most of them are Han Chinese. Also, the China unification claim is to take back Taiwan as a territory and ban the “exile” government but not erase their “identity”

—– 160.6 —–2019-03-22 07:41:01+08:00:

I don’t mind Taiwan annexes mainland (if Taiwan govt can prove they are qualified enough) or mainland annexes Taiwan.

I just want to point out that the main reason of unification is territory, face, and historical inertia but not identity erasing. Sure, Taiwan’s features may be decreased once it’s united but that is a natural result, you are missing the result with reason here.

btw while the west appreciates and supports Taiwan because of its values (Liberalism narrative), the majority mainlander partially attributes the Taiwan issue to the western intervention which can be dated back to Century of Humiliation and neo-colonism (Nationalism narrative). That’s why I say it really depends on how you think of it.

That is, if China embraces democracy and freedom of speech tomorrow, it would definitely become more aggressive on the Taiwan issue. Trust me.

Edit: typo

161: How Rich Chinese Parents Get Their Kids Into U.S. Colleges, submitted on 2019-03-21 14:21:31+08:00.

—– 161.1 —–2019-03-22 04:25:39+08:00:

What you said is true but unfortunately there are not much huge comprehensive unis in EU due to the educational system difference and therefore they are in a negative position in global uni rank (QS/ARWU/Times).

Chinese people always love the big things and rank competition so lots of them still prefer the US unis.

—– 161.2 —–2019-03-22 13:01:55+08:00:

Ah I don’t know UCLA is name dropping tho

Why Europe unis are such specialized? I know they are historical issues but why the government don’t want to merge them or at least cooperate? imo nowadays we value the comprehensive backgrounds more and more, lots of students may change they majors more than once, have minor/double-degree/triple-degree, enjoy various general education courses, and do interdiscipinary research. A strong but tiny college just make these things inconvenient or even inaccessable. I know some US A&S colleges are small but most of them are only for undergraduate.

162: 如果民主化之后的中国,经济因为内耗而停止不前。各位会如何对待?, submitted on 2019-03-21 18:52:19+08:00.

—– 162.1 —–2019-03-22 08:13:43+08:00:




—– 162.2 —–2019-03-22 08:24:36+08:00:


  1. 中国主体民族的绝对占比优势是跟苏联截然不同的局面,苏联主体民族全国占比刚过半 ,中国汉族占比90%,加上汉化各族更加多,新疆汉维占比一比一。

  2. 民主化也不一定等于别人有国土分裂的自由,可以先行通过顶层制度设计来规避。参见西班牙加泰罗尼亚独立案,人都被抓了。。。请看判决引用的西班牙宪法Section 2 :

Section 2. The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards; it recognizes and guarantees the right to self-government of the nationalities and regions of which it is composed and the solidarity among them all.

—– 162.3 —–2019-03-22 08:26:19+08:00:


—– 162.4 —–2019-03-22 08:32:17+08:00:


—– 162.5 —–2019-03-22 08:45:34+08:00:

  1. 顶层制度的设计当然不能阻止分裂势力的崛起,但可以赋予镇压分裂势力的法理基础。很多人把民主跟分裂势力自决划等号,我想说的是,实现民主和领土完整在实操层面并不矛盾

  2. 世界上国家内部种族繁多的不只有中国,可参见俄罗斯印度南非。当然,他们都貌似没有提供一个完善的解决方案,但也没有闹到分裂的地步。中国特有的优势就是主体民族的绝对压倒性,就算在西藏新疆,汉族经过几十年的发展也势均力敌

  3. 民族的语言甚至血腥冲突是肯定有的,具体怎么样只能走一步看一步,但不能因噎废食

—– 162.6 —–2019-03-22 09:00:05+08:00:


—– 162.7 —–2019-03-22 09:31:21+08:00:





—– 162.8 —–2019-03-22 09:38:29+08:00:


—– 162.9 —–2019-03-22 11:22:50+08:00:

哦 不是这个人口体量 中国也出不了大互联网企业 也压不住四周强敌 也没有跟西方讨价还价的市场体量

—– 162.10 —–2019-03-22 12:41:49+08:00:


—– 162.11 —–2019-03-28 14:44:10+08:00:


—– 163.1 —–2019-03-21 22:00:58+08:00:

That is a theoretical discussion (mixed with some humors) and nobody thinks it’s feasible. Take it easy.

—– 163.2 —–2019-03-21 22:03:20+08:00:

That is not a serious discussion. I mean, at least no one think it’s feasible

—– 163.3 —–2019-03-21 22:06:32+08:00:

Unrestricted Warfare is probably the only book from PLA that the Pentagon valued that much

—– 163.4 —–2019-03-22 08:31:01+08:00:

I am saying it to everyone tho

164: 【多维新闻】中国江苏盐城一化工厂发生爆炸 现场曝光, submitted on 2019-03-21 20:51:08+08:00.

—– 164.1 —–2019-03-23 11:45:00+08:00:


—– 164.2 —–2019-03-23 14:43:57+08:00:


165: WHAT?!? Inserted PDFs pages are now rendered live? If I open the PDF and edit (Edge, Drawboard) it’s updated in the printout!?, submitted on 2019-03-21 23:37:57+08:00.

—– 165.1 —–2019-03-22 06:47:18+08:00:

It’s still annoying me that the PDF printed on the desktop OneNote always has lower pixel effect on the UWP or Web version and I cannot read the characters on the PDF page

—– 165.2 —–2019-03-22 07:51:26+08:00:

So, my case is that, after printing the PDF via desktop OneNote, I cannot see the clear printed version on my UWP or Web OneNote. I mean, even the normal words on it. Do you have the same issue?

—– 165.3 —–2019-03-22 08:28:40+08:00:

Sorry I didn’t get you. Are you asking me too give you a direct picture to show my pdf on OneNote?

166: 《新疆的反恐 去极端化斗争》 20190318 | CCTV, submitted on 2019-03-22 00:52:22+08:00.

—– 166.1 —–2019-03-22 13:16:58+08:00:


—– 166.2 —–2019-03-22 14:15:09+08:00:


167: hmmmm, submitted on 2019-03-22 03:55:15+08:00.

—– 167.1 —–2019-03-23 15:16:04+08:00:


168: June 4 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, submitted on 2019-03-22 05:26:38+08:00.

—– 168.1 —–2019-03-22 08:35:53+08:00:

FLG organ harvesting is fake news. I will always repeat it

—– 168.2 —–2019-03-22 08:50:47+08:00:

China had a history of organ harvesting on death sentence prisoners but not target on FLG, and it’s banned now. Technically speaking, if a FLG was a death sentence prisoner, then s/he may had that experience but again, it’s not targeted on FLG

btw FLG is definitely a CULT. Nobody in China nowadays, no matter they are pro-ccp or anti-ccp, love them. That’s all

—– 168.3 —–2019-03-22 08:58:08+08:00:

You are a big fan of conspiracy but I’m not

If you support FLG, I would represent lots of people whose family has been suffered from FLG to say, FUCK YOU

—– 168.4 —–2019-03-22 09:47:51+08:00:

It’s well-known that China Uncensored is biased and strongly anti-china, I expected you would give me a more reliable sources.

The most funny thing is that somebody claims live organ harvesting sounds like it’s more efficient wtf

Plz spend some times reading their lection

—– 168.5 —–2019-03-22 11:11:19+08:00:

Of course they’re not hard to find. It’s also not hard to find Chinese source such as this to support your statement but I still doubt it.

Anyway, from my personal experience, FLG is definitely a brainless and anti-intelligence organization, if you think it’s too aggressive to call them cult. I don’t support an organization claiming that you can cure your cancer w/o going to hospital or encouraging the parents to do qigong with their children but not send their children to schools. They print the words like “Heaven kill the ccp”on the rmb bill. They invest ads in hk claiming that 0.3 billion people give up their ccp membership while there are no more than 0.1 billion ccpers.

Fucking stupid

169: China’s Uyghur detention camps may be the largest mass incarceration since the Holocaust. And it is neither front-page news nor a major part of diplomatic or political dialogue., submitted on 2019-03-22 08:23:11+08:00.

—– 169.1 —–2019-03-23 06:27:22+08:00:

Am Chinese, based on the information I could find from both sides, I personally think the accurate description should be illegal prison-like job training and reeducation camp. It’s neither normal job training center nor nazi-style concentration camp.

The officers they have a score sheet for every potential target, if they think their scores are negative they would catch them to the camp without justice system. The people inside are forced to learn job skills, religional and ethnic policies, and Han culture. Once they perform well and meet the requirements, they can graduate from the camp with certificates. I don’t know how long these camps will be tho, Chen Quanguo, the party strong man in xinjiang, has claimed that it will be 4-5 years. I also don’t know whether there is any torture or sth, but I doubt it widely exists if there is one.

These camps and related activities in Xinjiang, are targeted on de-separatism, de-Islamism, and de-terrorism.

—– 169.2 —–2019-03-23 07:17:13+08:00:

Damn so basically they can just catch one dude for whatever reasons then put him in camp?

Technically yes, at least in the southern Xinjiang. Here is a secret video showing the camp inside.

Lots of people living in those areas cannot find a job and earn money because they don’t know any job skills and/or speak Mandarin. Somebody call learning mandarin as assimilation but it’s indeed hard for them to have a good life if they don’t know the common language in China. I think a fair game is that both sides learn both languages.

I hate it because it’s sth that bypassing the Chinese justice system again. But tbh, some of the Muslim in southern Xinjiang sends their children to Mosques but not schools, which is already against the Chinese law. There is an increasing Wahhabism in Xinjiang. In the long term, ethnic segregation will be larger and cause more conflicts if people there don’t talk and learn the language and culture of each side. Is there any good way to solve it w/o violating the law? IDK

Edit: I have to say that I haven’t been to Xinjiang and the rising of Wahhabism and Extremism are the ones I learned from reports. I just wanna say, I cannot figure out an extreme humane method to solve the problem.

—– 169.3 —–2019-03-24 01:14:41+08:00:

I meant the parents only sending their children to faith schools but not official schools and it’s against 九年义务教育法. There is nothing wrong with mosques (if they don’t promote wahhabism) tho. But if they don’t prepare the knowledge and skills for future lifes actively, it’s a bit hypocrisy to blame the Chinese govt in this case.

—– 169.4 —–2019-03-24 09:32:18+08:00:

Is this against the US law? I know the US education system is much more complicated than China

Wait a min, can you read 书剑恩仇录?It’s amazing as it’s a bit classic Chinese

—– 169.5 —–2019-03-24 10:36:21+08:00:


170: visiting Victoria Park,Hong Kong on June 4th for the remembrance, any tips?, submitted on 2019-03-22 09:30:04+08:00.

—– 170.1 —–2019-03-22 09:41:43+08:00:

Nothing special … Seriously

There may be parade or anniversary ceremony and that’s all

171: Industry says China has stopped buying Canadian canola seed, submitted on 2019-03-22 12:36:04+08:00.

—– 171.1 —–2019-03-23 01:17:39+08:00:

a change in our visa policies for Chinese Citizens

I guess this is something the Chinese government desires because they hate brain drain

—– 171.2 —–2019-03-23 01:41:23+08:00:

wealthy or powerful enough to effect change in the government

None of them has that power. Even Jack Ma, the richest man in China, cannot do that. China is opposite to the west, capitalists are dogs there (or you can say ccp is the biggest capitalist if you want)

172: Robot Servers and Mobile Payments – Alibaba’s Hema Restaurants Show How China is Advancing, submitted on 2019-03-22 14:28:09+08:00.

—– 172.1 —–2019-03-22 19:46:47+08:00:

I think it’s a not-bad idea but I cannot see where it’s advanced in technology

—– 172.2 —–2019-03-22 23:17:06+08:00:

I think in the short term, it’s more like a market promotion, like the Hai Di Lao robot restaurant

173: Eat pork, speak Chinese, no beards: Muslim former detainee tells of China camp trauma, submitted on 2019-03-22 14:38:54+08:00.

—– 173.1 —–2019-03-23 08:13:40+08:00:

What makes you think everybody wants to leave China? Shitposts on China in reddit? LMAO

—– 173.2 —–2019-03-23 08:14:37+08:00:

What makes you think everybody wants to leave China? Shitposts on China in reddit? LMAO

174: 韩国瑜今日开始访问大陆, submitted on 2019-03-22 15:24:44+08:00.

—– 174.1 —–2019-03-23 11:38:46+08:00:


—– 174.2 —–2019-03-23 11:58:55+08:00:


175: 中国国家主席习近平抵达意大利, submitted on 2019-03-22 15:50:19+08:00.

—– 175.1 —–2019-03-22 19:44:02+08:00:


176: r/China_irl 每周讨论楼 - March 22, 2019, submitted on 2019-03-22 18:07:08+08:00.

—– 176.1 —–2019-03-25 14:07:13+08:00:

刚在 r/China 怼了个人,好过瘾,详见此链接

其实今天在YouTube上怼的那个长两倍且更毒舌,不过不想把账号联系在一起就不链接了,觉得今天除了怼人啥都没干 hhh

177: The most populous cities in the world (1500 - 2018), submitted on 2019-03-22 21:39:18+08:00.

—– 177.1 —–2019-03-23 13:13:24+08:00:

Fun fact: lower birth rate will enlarge the population in big cities cuz the villages cannot provide enough public products

178: 新疆教育学校这事,面对舆论,是不是官方的应对方式从藏着掖着改成主动出击了, submitted on 2019-03-22 23:48:08+08:00.

—– 178.1 —–2019-03-25 10:36:07+08:00:


—– 179.1 —–2019-03-23 23:53:41+08:00:

China - Threebody problem trilogy - hardcore SF who won 2015 Hugo Awards - Must Read

180: WCGW if I jump into oncoming traffic while running from the cops, submitted on 2019-03-23 05:31:37+08:00.

—– 180.1 —–2019-03-23 11:56:34+08:00:

Poor van

181: Countries with the Largest CO2 Pollution Over Time, submitted on 2019-03-23 06:43:41+08:00.

—– 181.1 —–2019-03-23 09:12:39+08:00:

and historical accumulation, then historical accumulation per capita

182: What does this say?, submitted on 2019-03-23 08:29:22+08:00.

—– 182.1 —–2019-03-23 11:47:22+08:00:

New York

183: Huawei CFO was carrying an iPhone, iPad, and MacBook Air when she was arrested, submitted on 2019-03-23 10:06:05+08:00.

—– 183.1 —–2019-03-23 23:20:45+08:00:

Tim Apple *

—– 183.2 —–2019-03-23 23:23:11+08:00:

tbh is this really a news? Seriously?

—– 183.3 —–2019-03-24 13:13:46+08:00:

I know but I don’t except that

184: 盐城大爆炸死伤数百同胞,今天的人民日报以及海外版,没有死难者。, submitted on 2019-03-23 10:17:29+08:00.

—– 184.1 —–2019-03-23 11:54:23+08:00:


185: China’s Alibaba opens ‘hotel of the future’ with automated check-in, biometrics and voice-control, submitted on 2019-03-23 14:54:45+08:00.

—– 185.1 —–2019-03-24 03:10:20+08:00:

Automated prostitute service /s

—– 185.2 —–2019-03-24 03:15:24+08:00:

“if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail”

186: State run channel just released a documentary about Xinjiang situation, submitted on 2019-03-23 15:11:56+08:00.

—– 186.1 —–2019-03-23 23:26:04+08:00:

This documentary is obviously targeted on Chinese people but not outsiders. They don’t have English sub.

—– 186.2 —–2019-03-23 23:42:14+08:00:

No wonder I figure out that some Uyghurs look like EA people (eg Shohrat Zakir, Kurbanjan) while others look like ME/CA peopleb (eg Dilraba).

—– 186.3 —–2019-03-24 07:40:54+08:00:

tbh sometimes I have problem to distinguish Middle Eastern with European so my description above is rough

—– 186.4 —–2019-03-24 13:18:17+08:00:

Yes but for most of them you can still tell they are yellow, but on Uyghurs, it seems that some are yellow and some are white

—– 186.5 —–2019-03-24 17:37:07+08:00:

So? What’s your point? I was just talking about my subjective feeling on Uyghur appearance and that’s all

187: Are Taiwan’s Citizens Willing to Fight Against China? [According to a recent survey, the public in Taiwan is not war shy after all.], submitted on 2019-03-23 22:46:42+08:00.

—– 187.1 —–2019-03-25 00:25:50+08:00:

wow bravo! Good luck!

188: Italian President Sergio Mattarella, Imperator Caesar Divi Filius Augustus and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet the press, Quirinale, March 22, submitted on 2019-03-24 01:51:01+08:00.

—– 188.1 —–2019-03-24 09:30:11+08:00:

Sounds like the Matrix, excited

Which pill you choose, red or blue?

189: Surviving a simple street crossing, submitted on 2019-03-24 07:12:22+08:00.

—– 189.1 —–2019-03-24 12:37:58+08:00:

Ah I had an opposite cultural shock when I visited Europe and studied in the US. I was shocked that the pedestrians could cross the road with red light when there was no car. It’s against the rule in China and thus I thought, why the westerners don’t obey the law? I expected they’re more civil than average Chinese… lol I’m from GuangZhou btw

—– 189.2 —–2019-03-24 22:29:30+08:00:

tbh idk whether it’s a rule in China but at least lots of us don’t cross the road in red light in our city. Here is a funny story, when I studied in the US, I walked with two girls. One of them crossed the road in red light and the other didn’t. Then they argued with each other and I blamed the first one. I still didn’t realize this cultural difference until I saw this post. Of course, I saw some people in the US and Europe crossing the road in red light too but I thought it’s a trick for convenience and didn’t know they’re allowed to do that.

But I think jaywalking is not allowed at least in the US? I saw a student was stopped by campus police after crossing the road in the middle

190: During Xi Jinping’s visit to Rome, an official of the Chinese embassy tried to intimidate a journalist; “Don’t speak ill of China” “I know very well who you are”, submitted on 2019-03-24 08:05:47+08:00.

—– 190.1 —–2019-03-25 04:29:15+08:00:

Do you think, Wang Yi, the Foreign Minister of China, need to and/or will intimidate an unknown journalist face to face? Seriously?

Edit: I don’t think your video link is a counterpart. In the video, it’s a public place that WY may chose to give his tough voice on purpose while intimidating a journalist secretly in a private place is a different story.

191: People who have managed to become disciplined after having been procrastinators and indisciplined for a large part of their lives, how did you manage to do so? Can you walk us through the incremental steps you took to become better?, submitted on 2019-03-24 16:27:01+08:00.

—– 191.1 —–2019-03-25 06:46:22+08:00:

wish one day I can come here to answer this question

192: We all know one, submitted on 2019-03-24 17:42:17+08:00.

—– 192.1 —–2019-03-25 04:11:48+08:00:

or you can build a group by inviting others

193: Italy agrees to return nearly 800 Chinese cultural relics in goodwill gesture during Xi Jinping visit, submitted on 2019-03-24 21:44:44+08:00.

—– 193.1 —–2019-03-25 06:21:49+08:00:

Maybe I’m a minority here as a Chinese since I have no problem that Italy or other western countries keep these Chinese cultural relics. On one hand, the west exploited these relics illegally which can be attributed to colonialism and unequal treaty. On the other hand, these relics were maintained well in the west otherwise they would have been probably destroyed in the Chinese civil war or cultural revolution. Of course, today China has the money, experience, and willing to keep them well. But IMO placing them in the western museums is not a bad idea. When I visited the Louvre Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it’s amazing to see huge amounts of relics from different civilizations all over the world and they can educate the visitors there, including expanding the Chinese culture. Actually, giving the ownership back to China and keeping their exhibitions in Italy would be a good alternative plan too.

btw I think the museums in the west are more interesting than their counterparts elsewhere. Since I can appreciate the exhibitions from different cultural backgrounds in the western museums but, for instance, I can only see the Chinese ones in China’s museums. (This statement may be a bit politically incorrect but here I’m just sharing my personal feeling as a visitor in those museums)

—– 193.2 —–2019-03-25 06:33:33+08:00:

GB is a flag too

—– 193.3 —–2019-03-25 06:43:43+08:00:

just check your history. what a China hater racist shithole

—– 193.4 —–2019-03-25 06:53:11+08:00:

they did a good job in anthropology, in which China still need to learn a lot

—– 193.5 —–2019-03-25 10:07:40+08:00:

This is well-known to everybody tbh. CCP emphasizes heavily in STEM while skipping the liberal arts and parts of social science on purpose to maintain its governance

—– 193.6 —–2019-03-25 13:19:46+08:00:

BAT, DJI, Huawei, face++, Cambrian, BGI, BYD, NIO etc etc and I just listed digital firms and current rising stars here. And this is just a beginning. Go to check the list of unicorn in the world and count the number

tbh I think you’d better read some professional reports such as the Economist, McKinsey, government-level think-tanks but not keep saying personal observation and my lifetime sounds like an idiot

For instance,

Here is an article from the Economist, “How China Could Dominate Science?”: https://www.economist.com/leaders/2019/01/12/how-china-could-dominate-science

A more detailed explanation from the Economist, saying that (i) “A study published by Elsevier, a scientific publisher, and Nikkei, a Japanese news business, on January 6th found that China published more high-impact research papers than America did in 23 out of 30 hot research fields with clear technological applications. Chinese science is a nimble giant, capable of piling in on any new field of promise with enormous, often centrally encouraged, force.” (ii) “These include applications of the more abstruse aspects of quantum mechanics to computation and cryptography, an area where China is a world leader: it was the first country to send a quantum-encrypted message via a satellite. In computer science, too, it has few peers. Though it does not yet have a semiconductor industry that quite matches those elsewhere, it is world class in many applications, especially in artificial intelligence.” (iii) “Genetic research is a field where China has both made big investments and sees a big future. In the bgi, as what was once the Beijing Genomics Institute is now known, China has by some measures the largest genome-sequencing center in the world.” (iv) “China’s near-insatiable demand for energy has led to investments in wind and solar power that dwarf those in other parts of the world and is now leading to research into better ways of handling the energy they produce. “ (v) “And this is just getting started”. Citation: https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2019/01/12/can-china-become-a-scientific-superpower

Here is another edition discussing “The battle for digital supremacy: America’s technological hegemony is under threat from China”. (i) Let me pick up a piece of the article about supercomputer “When Top500, a website, released its latest list of the world’s fastest machines last November, 202 of them were Chinese, accounting for 35.4% of the list’s combined computing power; America’s 143 machines accounted for just 29.6%. Many of the Chinese computers, admittedly, use American chips. But TaihuLight, the champion, proudly uses chips made in China.”. (ii) Huawei and semiconductor: “Huawei’s latest Mate 10 handset—the one which AT&T will not now distribute—comes with a “neural processing unit” designed by HiSilicon, a firm based in Shenzhen, near Hong Kong. Bitmain, which is the world’s biggest maker of computers to mine bitcoin and other crypto-currencies, already develops AI chips much like the ones made by Google and has the means to do much more. Bernstein Research, an equity-research firm, estimates that Bitmain made a profit of between $3bn and $4bn last year, about the same as NVIDIA, America’s biggest AI-chipmaker.” Citation: https://www.economist.com/briefing/2018/03/15/the-challenger

Here is an article about semiconductor industry, “Chinese firms are beginning to succeed further up the value chain, too. […] But the end of Moore’s law offers China hope, too. One of its side-effects used to be that, as components shrank, chips were able to operate faster. But that effect—called Dennard scaling—broke down in the mid-2000s, which meant that shrinking a chip’s components offered fewer benefits than it used to. For that reason, says Linley Gwennap, a chip-industry analyst, being a pace or two behind the leaders in manufacturing matters a bit less than before. At the same time, says Andrew Huang, a hardware designer, the slowing of Moore’s law has left the industry as a whole casting about for other ways to build better chips. Attention is gradually shifting, in other words, from refining manufacturing towards cleverer design and new ideas. If that changes the way the chip industry operates, Chinese firms could try to move into this new, relatively unclaimed territory. HiSilicon’s chips offer an example. They include super-specialized silicon designed to speed up calculations that are useful for artificial intelligence, another focus of “Made in China” and an area into which the country is ploughing cash. Quantum computing is another promising avenue. It uses the effects of quantum mechanics to speed up enormously some sorts of calculations. China has made big bets on quantum computing, reportedly spending $10bn to build a big research lab in Hefei, the capital of Anhui province. But it will require the mastery of unconventional physics such as superconducting wires and ion traps, technologies that are very different from what chipmakers use today.” Citation: https://www.economist.com/briefing/2018/12/01/the-semiconductor-industry-and-the-power-of-globalisation
