
2019-03-25 作者: Yvan888 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

194: Russians and Chinese are the same, submitted on 2019-03-25 05:42:27+08:00.

—– 194.1 —–2019-03-25 10:29:40+08:00:


—– 194.2 —–2019-03-25 11:56:38+08:00:

China doesn’t, neither. The hottest majors are finance and IT.

195: If China were to divide into separate states based ethnic\language lines, what would it look like?, submitted on 2019-03-25 06:37:47+08:00.

—– 195.1 —–2019-03-25 11:21:36+08:00:

I think OP is asking the cultural distributions in China but not the possibility of separatism.

—– 195.2 —–2019-03-25 11:24:13+08:00:

Although I am a Cantonese from guangdong, it’s a bit arrogant to say Guangdong is based on Cantonese. Don’t forget 潮汕话 and 客家话, and also the Shenzhen.

196: when will china unblock some social media apps?, submitted on 2019-03-25 07:23:59+08:00.

—– 196.1 —–2019-03-25 12:55:12+08:00:

Don’t think it will happen during Xi’s period but I don’t think it’s absolutely impossible. There was good times that reddit and even Google were not banned tho.

197: Is China hurt in any way by limited US tech companies from competing in Chinese markets?, submitted on 2019-03-25 08:07:59+08:00.

—– 197.1 —–2019-03-25 12:52:13+08:00:

of course it will hurt China but it really depends on the scale of limitation. US’s ownership of high valued and critical techniques mean it has huge negotiation power but that’s all. China’s huge domestic market, catching-up technology in some fields, rare earth export, and even geopolitic movements, can be used to be a weapon in negotiation.

Take an extreme example, Microsoft Windows is extremely indispensable and monopolic, does it mean the US can use it as weapon, like intimidating China to say yes or cutting the Windows license? I don’t think so. It’s doubtful that how far the US can limit China’s accessibility in the tight globalization nowadays. Even if we think it as worst, there have been many times the west embargoed China, the lastest one happened after 1989. After that, it seems nothing happened tho.

Edit: a word

—– 197.2 —–2019-03-26 05:03:53+08:00:

It sounds like political correctness of the free market theory.

Absolute free market = full competition = good

Isolation = protection = bad

I don’t disagree with you but we must know the real world is more complicated than the theory. We also know that lots of countries have been benefited from protection when they were weak, and after being stronger they would promote free market to benefit them again. One example is the US in 19 century. While you criticize China’s GFW and protection in the technology industry (I focus on economic but not politics here), the Eupore began to question whether they were right to let the US tech giants enter the Eupore market so easily in the age of data and weaken the Eupore power.

—– 197.3 —–2019-03-26 05:07:43+08:00:

Huawei and Lenovo are probably the only Chinese tech companies with a strong international presence.

DJI? BYD? Xiaomi? …

Basically none of the internet or social media brands have managed to break out beyond the Chinese diaspora, and even then the userbase is mostly limited to people who still have close mainland ties.

Tik Tok? And what about the performance of other countries enjoy free market, except the US?

—– 197.4 —–2019-03-26 05:17:24+08:00:

It really depends on how you think of it. The US, who is a superpower and enjoy first-mover advantages for more than one century, it’s natural that China is left behind a lot.

Yes, the US is leading in everything including AI, and China is always the second or worse, but what about other countries except China and the US? Check the list of world unicorns and AI report

Here is my another answer

198: 这是S1两月前一个自称是新疆再教育营警察的帖子,有点意思,真假自行判断, submitted on 2019-03-25 10:23:53+08:00.

—– 198.1 —–2019-03-25 10:34:21+08:00:

你不说我还没怎么看,原来前几天刚和我撕逼过 2333

199: China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Altruism or Debt Trap Diplomacy?, submitted on 2019-03-25 11:50:29+08:00.

—– 199.1 —–2019-03-25 20:22:58+08:00:

wtf providing two extreme options and forcing the audiance to pick one? What about none of them?

OBOR is a series of wide economy cooperation and investment and hope to achieve win-win goal.

But dealing with it like dealing with the bank, you’d better be smart, or you will be trapped in a lose-win situation.

Edit: a word

—– 199.2 —–2019-03-25 22:17:46+08:00:

One of the reasons

200: Vivian makes a Nongbourghini, submitted on 2019-03-25 12:19:55+08:00.

—– 200.1 —–2019-03-26 00:52:32+08:00:

Nongborghini *

201: 看看2016年部分建委的心态, submitted on 2019-03-25 13:35:49+08:00.

—– 201.1 —–2019-03-25 14:04:08+08:00:


202: china_irl, submitted on 2019-03-25 13:38:19+08:00.

—– 202.1 —–2019-03-26 11:30:51+08:00:


203: What do you wanna know about China?, submitted on 2019-03-25 15:36:58+08:00.

—– 203.1 —–2019-03-25 20:07:27+08:00:

Are you talking about the unique subcultures in China or just the subcultures?

Music subculture: gufeng?

204: A man was beaten by security guards at Wuhan University for wearing clothes similar to traditional Japanese garment, submitted on 2019-03-25 18:52:37+08:00.

—– 204.1 —–2019-03-26 00:36:21+08:00:

tbh even if it’s Japanese garment, what’s problem with that? It’s not a nazi uniform

Edit: it seems that the uni has a rule to forbid Japanese garments in the school due to sensitive history but i don’t know how true it’s

—– 204.2 —–2019-03-26 03:19:49+08:00:

Well I would not say it’s ok

but Chinese people are more sensitive to Japanese nazi uniform than to German one, which is opposite to the west. Easy to understand tho

—– 204.3 —–2019-03-26 04:46:36+08:00:

Hitler is a popular meme in China but I don’t think lots of people regard him as a great man.

Also, I know there is a saying that, Hilter, Stalin, and Mao are three demons in 20 century, but tbh I don’t think they are the same stories. Lots of Chinese, from teens to elders, still admire Mao. (I can guess what you are going to say and where the long debate will go so you’re not necessary to reply me about your opinion on Mao. I just wanna share a fact in Chinese society)

—– 204.4 —–2019-03-26 06:41:06+08:00:

Then I sorry you have that friends. Chinese people have a kinda contradict attitudes towards Jew. Lots of them are big fans of Jewish conspiracies such as Jew-controll American War Machine or Soros New World Order, on the other hand they admire Jewish a lot, thinking they are smart, shrewd, and hard-working. Just walk around the Chinese bookstores and you would know what I mean.

—– 204.5 —–2019-03-26 10:14:37+08:00:

lol all you say are right and I was not defending the Chinese behavior. All of us know the majority of Chinese are racists.

However, your previous comment was trying to link China’s antisemitism to Hilter’s holocaust which I don’t buy. Therefore, my last comment was trying to let you know that China’s antisemitism is simply a by-product of anti-American-Imperialism which is totally different from Hitler’s race-based genocide. Chinese people don’t have any problem with the Jewish race in history.

—– 204.6 —–2019-03-26 11:11:09+08:00:

well there are some 纳粹德棍 (Nazi German supporters) but I never hear anyone in my life. I believe they are a minority with a loud voice in Weibo

Again, lots of them just use it as a meme like this and this.

Some of them appreciate Hitler’s ability in military and speech but it doesn’t mean they deny the Holocaust

Some of them think WWII should be partially attributed to the unfair treaty of WWI and other factors but not only Hitler, which is a fair point and doesn’t mean they love Hitler.

I randomly pick up three discussions in Chinese websites and you can read them via Google translator if you don’t know Chinese: source 1, source 2, source 3

I admit that, while the endorsement of Nazi German is an absolute taboo subject in the west, it’s a taboo subject in China but few of them still justify it. However, that’s all, I don’t think you need to emphasize it so much

China should get rid of foreign elements in China they think are causing problems (e.g. Muslims, western influence, etc.)

well, this is a thousand-year historical inertia and complicated topic related to sooo many stuffs

205: Can someone explain to me why are there so huge fluctuations in Chinese population over history?, submitted on 2019-03-25 19:43:42+08:00.

—– 205.1 —–2019-03-25 20:19:16+08:00:

Rice? (I didn’t notice OP’s word fluctuations and thought he’s asking the reason of huge population)

206: Explain something to me please. Its ok for Japan to be Japanese, Saudi to be Arab, Africa to be African, China to be Chinese, but why is it not ok to have even a single white christian English speaking nation anywhere on earth? Why is that immoral to leftists/liberals?, submitted on 2019-03-25 22:45:34+08:00.

—– 206.1 —–2019-03-26 11:30:20+08:00:

actually, GB is the only white christian English speaking nation qualified for your statement, others are by-products of colonism

207: What do I eat for 3 months in China?, submitted on 2019-03-25 23:00:47+08:00.

—– 207.1 —–2019-03-26 00:39:55+08:00:

btw you call use Mei Tuan app to order food with free delivery service and I bet you there are some western foods on it in shanghai (and of course tons of Chinese foods) so you don’t need to go to street every time. Super convenient

208: My Chinese Wife Set a Trap!, submitted on 2019-03-25 23:09:39+08:00.

—– 208.1 —–2019-03-26 10:27:58+08:00:

what a hardcore question. Rocky and Rainy, pick one?

—– 208.2 —–2019-03-26 15:01:33+08:00:

You mean they’re negative words? Yeah but these comments are a bit “negative” if I didn’t get it wrong. I echo here but I just did it for fun, anyway…

—– 208.3 —–2019-03-26 15:03:55+08:00:

ojbk so just r/CCJ2 and laowai?

209: 🔥 Tianzi Mountains, China, submitted on 2019-03-26 01:59:23+08:00.

—– 209.1 —–2019-03-26 07:16:51+08:00:

Haven’t you figured out you are in The Truman Show? Dumb

210: China signs deal to buy 300 Airbus planes, submitted on 2019-03-26 02:03:56+08:00.

—– 210.1 —–2019-03-26 07:19:59+08:00:

anyway welcome to my howetown, Guangzhou, bro

—– 210.2 —–2019-03-26 07:21:12+08:00:

You’d better pick up the Chinese young generations tbh, since the old generations didn’t have the chance to go to school unlike their counterparts in the west and it’s a bit unfair

—– 210.3 —–2019-03-26 07:57:49+08:00:

Ahh then it’s interesting since some of my Chinese fellows have an exact feeling of the westerners (or at least Americans?) IDK. After watching some youtube interview videos about geography challenge in both sides I should say I never know there are so many dumb people in both sides

—– 210.4 —–2019-03-26 08:39:45+08:00:

wtf NSFW bro. I’m using the public big screen campus PC …

211: Xinjiang crackdown must continue, top China leader says, submitted on 2019-03-26 14:55:11+08:00.

—– 211.1 —–2019-03-27 23:06:10+08:00:

Username check out

212: China destroys 30,000 ‘incorrect’ world maps for not mentioning Arunachal Pradesh and Taiwan as part of its territory, submitted on 2019-03-26 15:16:17+08:00.

—– 212.1 —–2019-03-27 07:20:43+08:00:

so, do you need to tell your Chinese fellows that

the map was wrong?

It’s simply a politics chasm, no one is seriously WRONG in this case

—– 212.2 —–2019-03-27 08:42:51+08:00:

But also, it’s not just a politics chasm, Taiwan is a sovereign nation

Oh man,

while Taiwan is a de facto regime and maintaining relationships with the majority of countries in the world, almost all the governments, 99% including your government, don’t have official diplomatic relations with Taiwan and don’t recognize it as a formal nation

so claiming it’s just part of China is objectively wrong.

Officially, Taiwan is a province of “China”, the chasm is the definition of “China”, ROC or PRC

Of course, you may argue that lots of young generations in Taiwan prefer Taiwan but not ROC

But my statements above are efficient to prove that, claiming it’s just part of China is NOT objectively wrong.

TLDR: is Taiwan a country?

213: What do people from China think of the West’s coverage and portayal of camps in Xinjiang?, submitted on 2019-03-26 15:21:50+08:00.

—– 213.1 —–2019-03-26 23:17:58+08:00:

Option I: Baizuo (White leftists) who are PC-addicted SJWs and don’t know how to solve the biggest threat to human

Option II: Baipizhu (White pigs) who are western imperialists and desire to play the Divide and Conquer game on China

Pick one?

—– 213.2 —–2019-03-26 23:45:15+08:00:


—– 213.3 —–2019-03-27 00:17:26+08:00:


214: r/China, can you help read these characters and locate this building for Europol?, submitted on 2019-03-26 21:15:52+08:00.

—– 214.1 —–2019-03-27 00:40:03+08:00:


215: Wealthy Chinese student, 22, is tasered and dragged into back of van by armed gang in parking garage, submitted on 2019-03-26 23:00:11+08:00.

—– 215.1 —–2019-03-27 01:32:54+08:00:

He looks rich, indeed

216: China destroys 30,000 ‘incorrect’ world maps for not mentioning Arunachal Pradesh and Taiwan as part of its territory, submitted on 2019-03-26 23:31:41+08:00.

—– 216.1 —–2019-03-27 06:40:36+08:00:

Another disputed area left by GB

217: Good books on China, submitted on 2019-03-27 00:22:09+08:00.

—– 217.1 —–2019-03-27 00:45:41+08:00:

Threebody Problem trilogy: Chinese hard SF, 2015 Hugo Award winner (begin with cultural revolution so it’s interesting and linked to anthropology)

Also, Classic Chinese novels but they may be dry for beginner

Here is translate website for a genre of Chinese popular fiction called wuxia but they are more for entertainment

—– 217.2 —–2019-03-27 05:40:29+08:00:

That’s a fiction bro. Do you have CCP PTSD?

218: It’s time for China to become a normal country, submitted on 2019-03-27 01:04:38+08:00.

—– 218.1 —–2019-03-27 06:02:15+08:00:


219: Tsinghua University suspends Xu Zhangrun, Chinese law professor who criticised Xi Jinping, submitted on 2019-03-27 05:56:02+08:00.

—– 219.1 —–2019-03-27 12:55:32+08:00:

A collection of XZR’s works

—– 219.2 —–2019-03-27 14:57:33+08:00:

Calling liberalism and constitutionalism is already a huge critical of the government

220: Worried About Huawei? Take a Closer Look at Tencent, submitted on 2019-03-28 06:44:47+08:00.

—– 220.1 —–2019-03-28 14:46:19+08:00:

Worried About Facebook? Take a Closer Look at Google
