
2019-05-07 作者: Yvan888 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

234: Opinion | Xi Jinping Wanted Global Dominance. He Overshot., submitted on 2019-05-07 23:04:41+08:00.

—– 234.1 —–2019-05-08 09:23:55+08:00:

The US has been the biggest friend to China of the last 70-80 years

Do you know why? Because China had great disruption with the Soviet Union at that time and began the Ping-pong Policy to build a relationship with the US. On the other side, America needed China to win the cold war and beat the Soviet Union. In other words, the so-called Sino-US friendship at this time exists is for the common enemy.

Please stop declaring that everything bad is definitely for China and the US is always a good guy. (I’m not saying the US is bad in this example but please don’t depict it as an innocent kid)

—– 234.2 —–2019-05-15 09:48:44+08:00:

Sounds exactly like Mr. Pence’s speech

Edit: ok let me make it clear. I didn’t realize most of what you said here until I came to this platform and communicated with others. I think at least half of them make sense.

I think the most interesting thing is that both China and the US think they gave a lot to each other for friendship and now the other didn’t achieve the expectation.

China’s narrative is like this: ongoing prohibition of the international cooperation space station, finance hegemony (what the US did to Japan in 1992, etc.), United States bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, ongoing support of separatism defined by China (including Taiwan: Third Taiwan Strait Crisis, etc.)…

Also, lots of Chinese believe that although China benefitted a lot from WTO, the west and the whole world also enjoyed the cheap products manufactured in China without domestic pollution. Now it’s the US wanting to lock China in the lower position of the value chain to maintain its hegemony.

etc etc etc

Temporarily, I don’t hold a strong preference towards either side. Just an interesting and, maybe fated, disruption happening in this century.
