
2019-06-17 作者: Yvan888 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

309: Watch Chernobyl? Want to see a series of that quality about Tiananmen as well?, submitted on 2019-06-17 05:49:06+08:00.

—– 309.1 —–2019-07-02 06:50:56+08:00:

It is. I agree with u/Songtail

TAM is a symbol of the third wave of democracy. One of the reasons why minyun-er were so disappointed is that actually China is the FIRST one to lead this wave of democracy. However, as a result, all the other places such as USSR, TW, SK were affected by TAM directly or indirectly and at least liberalized in the end except China.

No matter how you view TAM, a liberalization movement or color revolution, that’s your freedom. But you should not deny the history, which is the bottom line.

310: Donald Trump to raise Hong Kong extradition protests with Xi Jinping at G20, Mike Pompeo says, submitted on 2019-06-17 08:13:25+08:00.

—– 310.1 —–2019-06-18 08:50:03+08:00:

” XJP is my best friend”

311: 策划人, submitted on 2019-06-17 09:39:49+08:00.

—– 311.1 —–2019-06-26 00:15:23+08:00:


312: China Daily is in full damage control today, submitted on 2019-06-17 19:28:20+08:00.

—– 312.1 —–2019-06-18 08:45:26+08:00:

CIA and foreign intervention is ALWAYS an easy excuse

I mean, I may believe the HK independence movement (with initial members no more than 20 people) are funded by CIA

but… 2 million protests… really? I’m a bit worry about the American financial crisis if it’s true

313: When the earthquake happen…, submitted on 2019-06-18 00:02:24+08:00.

—– 313.1 —–2019-06-18 08:46:39+08:00:

Is it a weird comment here?

—– 313.2 —–2019-06-18 08:47:08+08:00:

Not sure if same term can be used for male.

No. Am Chinese

314: 坏人做一半是最不可取的,要么不做,要么做到底。关于香港 条例争议, submitted on 2019-06-18 16:37:09+08:00.

—– 314.1 —–2019-06-21 08:06:30+08:00:






—– 314.2 —–2019-06-21 08:07:32+08:00:


—– 314.3 —–2019-06-21 08:49:23+08:00:



315: 香港人的一點看法, submitted on 2019-06-18 17:28:16+08:00.

—– 315.1 —–2019-06-19 04:06:16+08:00:



  1. 彭定康时代有试过民主,但中央唔肯(亲中央派会argue依个只系英国搞乱香港接收噶手法)

  2. 不止彭定康,好多港督都试过民主,但因中央阻止无法实施(但依点我睇过噶资料唔多)

  3. 港督系民主社会派来,所以冇必要再选举,但阿爷噶港共政府唔系(但听闻港英时期你们亦一直有诸多不满?抑或可以理解为,即使港英时期有不满,但比不上港共政府?)

  4. 民主选举是一个永远的需求,不因港英或港共的不同时期而有所改变

  5. 真普选系对港共政府噶不满,如果港共政府听取民意,甘样或者可以不那么坚持真普选,就如同港英时期一样?

—– 315.2 —–2019-06-19 04:17:11+08:00:


316: 大四去新疆支教, submitted on 2019-06-18 18:58:26+08:00.

—– 316.1 —–2019-06-19 03:58:10+08:00:




317: Almost every members in President Xi’s family holds a foregin passport and nationality. (Foreign influence), submitted on 2019-06-18 19:09:20+08:00.

—– 317.1 —–2019-06-19 05:17:04+08:00:

well I’m not going to bitch XJP in this case cuz it’s understandable

The combat within CCP is extremely cruel and will involve the leaders’ family. Especially XJP intensified the anti-corruption campaign and removed the presidential term, I would be surprised if he didn’t move his family abroad.

318: So many., submitted on 2019-06-19 01:56:14+08:00.

—– 318.1 —–2019-06-19 14:00:30+08:00:

Your theory is correct

but I doubt it will happen within our lifetime

Chinese dynasty always remains several centuries

and CCP is a cruel but efficient group (maybe inefficient after loooong time tho)

which means this Red Dynasty is the strongest dynasty within Chinese history, equipped with modern technology such as AI and new energy

319: 若当年没有64事件,今天的中国民主和自由进程会不会更加快, submitted on 2019-06-19 04:52:28+08:00.

—– 319.1 —–2019-06-19 13:40:56+08:00:



320: 若当年没有64事件,今天的中国民主和自由进程会不会更加快, submitted on 2019-06-19 04:55:20+08:00.

—– 320.1 —–2019-06-19 13:51:03+08:00:


—– 320.2 —–2019-06-19 13:52:20+08:00:



但若没动荡,像 u/Spinkcat 所说,体制内自上而下的改革是几乎为0的。深化改革永远无法进行,所以中国在更高层级发展阶段的蜕变也永远无法完成

—– 320.3 —–2019-06-20 13:24:46+08:00:

国内高层持改革开放思想的很多,甚至可以说如果具备相应条件一夜之间他们会成为改革的引领者 […] 所以即使他们在中央党校内部讨论中观点多么新颖前卫 […]



—– 320.4 —–2019-06-20 13:25:10+08:00:


—– 320.5 —–2019-06-22 01:35:22+08:00:


—– 320.6 —–2019-06-22 01:36:53+08:00:



321: 走進中國新疆的「思想轉化營」- BBC News 中文, submitted on 2019-06-19 13:55:15+08:00.

—– 321.1 —–2019-06-22 03:18:57+08:00:




322: 长豇豆炒培根/长豆角炒培根 蒜香长豇豆 How to Make Long Bean with Bacon - M3Top, submitted on 2019-06-20 03:52:21+08:00.

—– 322.1 —–2019-06-21 07:58:01+08:00:

这post在这个sub里真是小清新 lol

323: 推荐一个八卦党史的频道,从过去看到将来的日子, submitted on 2019-06-20 11:12:23+08:00.

—– 323.1 —–2019-06-21 07:53:45+08:00:

无论周真面目如何 他在那种环境下都是不倒翁一样 绝非一般人

324: Opening 2 pages / pdf side by side, submitted on 2019-06-20 12:54:03+08:00.

—– 324.1 —–2019-06-25 06:44:04+08:00:

iOS 13 will bring the ability to open two instances of GoodNotes side by side. Then you can have two PDFs open simultaneously.

I have downloaded the ios13 beta but I cannot open GN in two windows. Is it because GN hasn’t adjusted itself to new ios13 yet?

325: Chinese foreign minister claims ‘black hand’ of Western involvement in Hong Kong, submitted on 2019-06-20 22:02:13+08:00.

—– 325.1 —–2019-06-21 13:56:33+08:00:

sorry to say that, but the truth is that, most nationalists believe it!

As a mainlander, I debated with others a lot so I knew it.

Most of them think it’s an American blank hand to win the trade war, and they think HKers are the betrayers

326: 伊朗击落美军无人机, submitted on 2019-06-20 22:21:43+08:00.

—– 326.1 —–2019-06-22 04:18:56+08:00:


327: What is the official news in China saying about HK protests?, submitted on 2019-06-20 23:44:55+08:00.

—– 327.1 —–2019-06-21 15:04:53+08:00:

First, 95% in this sub are expats but I’m Chinese mainlander (I just hope you didn’t pick up a wrong place)

What do the Chinese people know and think?

65% have no idea what has happened

30% believe the HKers are spoiled kids / betrayers funded by the CIA (the dirty trick of the US to win the trade war) and threatened them by canceling one-country-two-system or even war

5% like me support HK, try to debate with others (but generally would be deleted if posted in the mainland, I have just been banned on a social platform for seven days AGAIN!)

Social media themes?

If there is one behind GFW, please tell me…

Whats the Govs main angle right now?

America is the bad guy

The actual number of protesters is just 240k (by HK police) not 2m

The majority of HKers are with CCP (and support extradition law)

I think they will dilute the effect of this protest due to ongoing trade war and Taiwan’s 2020 election, therefore they will not behave aggressively recently but not sure what will happen in the long term

—– 327.2 —–2019-06-25 02:47:41+08:00:

but to be fair

There is a group of HKers indeed support, or at least don’t care, this extradition law tho

Lots of them are from the old generation and business group

328: My China experience (as Software Engineer), submitted on 2019-06-21 00:42:38+08:00.

—– 328.1 —–2019-06-21 13:20:23+08:00:

Shenzhen is a city for fighting but not living bro

That’s why you got crappy stuff with a crappy price

Even we Chinese know it

It’s Chinese Silicon Valley (not sure the quality of life in SV tho but at least the price is high)

added: however, why did you expect that you can have a fancy life in a less-developed country with less salary? Also, I slightly doubt that you may have the same problems if you go to work in other SEA countries… You know, traveling there and working there are always different experiences… but anyway, SZ is definitely an awful choice

—– 328.2 —–2019-06-21 21:59:14+08:00:

China is a big country and the variety of different palaces is huge

The rent of apartments in the 4 T1 cities are insane and surpass lots of first worlds

And among T1 cities, SZ is especially famous for its shitting food and the lack of nightlife because everyone there joins the cult of 996 lol

329: BBC新疆“培训中心”实地探访, submitted on 2019-06-21 08:06:27+08:00.

—– 329.1 —–2019-06-21 12:24:23+08:00:

实话实说 这个camp是非法的且不人道的 但也没到nazi的程度

我个人的定义是 不人道的非法强制劳改所


—– 329.2 —–2019-06-21 17:40:22+08:00:



—– 329.3 —–2019-06-21 17:55:13+08:00:





—– 329.4 —–2019-06-21 21:39:21+08:00:


—– 329.5 —–2019-06-21 21:43:35+08:00:






—– 329.6 —–2019-06-21 22:21:13+08:00:

额 我一直以为兰拉是回族人开的 还是因为不同地方开的人不同?

—– 329.7 —–2019-06-22 02:38:53+08:00:


讲道理 真有那么一天的时候 维吾尔人都不知道被汉化到什么程度了 当然 仇恨可能是解不了了

—– 329.8 —–2019-06-22 02:42:26+08:00:






—– 329.9 —–2019-06-23 02:30:12+08:00:




—– 329.10 —–2019-06-23 11:38:06+08:00:



这是一个鸡生蛋蛋生鸡的问题。。。ok stop here

330: A Brief Timeline of U-Turns from the Chinese Market, submitted on 2019-06-21 16:23:10+08:00.

—– 330.1 —–2019-06-21 22:39:38+08:00:

Forever 21 did good business there

Ummm… really?

—– 330.2 —–2019-06-21 23:02:46+08:00:

open its markets

half tariffs

without outsourcing

without tech transfer

well, actually, the points above are kinda understandable

but… most importantly

let China embrace liberalism => enhance the power of ccp both domestically (cuz the people believe ccp brought the prosperity) and internationally (cuz the west relies on China nowadays)

—– 330.3 —–2019-06-22 01:00:17+08:00:

Your whole argument is fair, but

Comparing Meituan to Groupon or Didi to Uber, what you see is what you get.

I’m a bit confused on this point. The similarities on the surface don’t always mean their business models in deep are the same (Or did I misunderstand your sentence?)

Uber also exited from other places such as southeast Asia. Localization is always a great challenge and China is the toughest area

With Baidu vs. Google, what you see is what the government wants you to see, but most Chinese users don’t know what they’re missing.

Although there is a thing, it’s not the key point here. Google censors search results not only in China but also in other countries such as Russia

But I stand with Google in this case, Baidu research is worse and worse after Google’s exit, which is a SHAME

Amazon may have higher standards of regulation compared to Taobao, but it also lucks the bulk of Chinese suppliers than make Taobao so convenient and affordable for those living in China.

I’m not familiar with Amazon China, but I didn’t feel they value the Chinese market that much and didn’t see they iterated their products as fast as their local competitors such as JD.com and Ali. Also, unfortunately, higher standards of regulation sometimes play a negative role when the multi-nation cooperations step into the third world countries due to the lack of flexibility.

The customers in the developing countries are always price-sensitive and I believe that’s the main reason why Taobao can beat Amazon and why PDD can rise in the T3, T4 cities

—– 330.4 —–2019-06-22 03:11:58+08:00:

It’s quite common, nearly universal, that the late-developing economy first catches the first-developed economy by copycats and reverse engineering, and then surpasses them by innovation based on the capital, experience, and technology from the process of copycats (simple model).

US-to-GB, DE-to-GB, JP-to-US (at least surpass in some fields), now it’s China

When the copycats become innovators, the first phenomenon is that the domestic products begin to take the domestic market by their special advantages such as low-cost and fast-localization, then they will begin to nibble the international markets

I’m not defending any IP violations or illegal things here (reverse engineering is not always illegal, and it’s what US, DE, and JP have done in the process of catching up), but besides potential CCP’s black hand, this picture is quite natural IMO

—– 330.5 —–2019-06-22 07:57:05+08:00:

lol just check your history it’s amazing that you still have positive karmas, well done…

In this sub, you can just say something bashing the Chinese government, including in a normal business topic

PS. To be fair, I may exclude Google here because it’s more about politics but others deserve these results and may learn one or two pieces of shit from Apple / Microsoft / etc…

—– 330.6 —–2019-06-22 09:27:02+08:00:

well just my opinion but this argument is a bit politically correct

I’m not sure which kind of innovation you are talking, but at least on STEM, Chinese innovation is NOT affected by censorship. On the contrary, with the unprecedented STEM graduates and heavy R&D investment, now is just a beginning

Social Science, ummm, they are always affected by politics… Also, the average Chinese doesn’t have the universal value mindset

Arts and humanities, not too good not too bad. But thanks to the huge domestic markets, some popular culture can still dance with shackles

Added: not sure the meaning of your added point tho

—– 330.7 —–2019-06-23 13:38:32+08:00:

My point about Amazon is also about customer perception in that, while Amazon may offer a less risky online shopping experience compared to Taobao and all its fakes, most people are more focused on the fact that Taobao sells stuff they immediately need from local vendors at cheap prices with fast shipping, whereas Amazon focuses on higher-end but ultimately more expensive, slower-shipping foreign goods. When you’re just shopping for bulk toilet paper or a new kitchen mop, of course Taobao will win over Amazon.

That means the Amazon’s localization, market targeting, or self-positioning is not accurate unless they didn’t want to make money in China (but why they came in)

It’s still a fault because they failed

The only excuse I can accept is the ccp black hand (e.g. Google)

331: CCP当前在中国的存在,是利大于弊的, submitted on 2019-06-21 17:37:24+08:00.

—– 331.1 —–2019-06-22 00:12:50+08:00:











ok 我需要在强调一遍,现在不仅仅是没在前进的问题,而是极速倒车的问题。国民素质进步了也不少,怎么制度层面反而越来越保守?说好的四个自信呢?





332: Does anyone else think Mandarin sounds more posh than Cantonese?, submitted on 2019-06-21 19:37:03+08:00.

—– 332.1 —–2019-06-23 10:42:49+08:00:

I’m a native speaker of both Mandarin and Cantonese and not a fan of over political correctness so what I’m going to say is sincere

Actually, it’s an extremely subjective feeling, really

On Mandarin, for instance, I feel the northeastern Chinese is a bit barbarian because their tones are always aggressive imo. But the news presenters of mainstream channels such as CCTV, their standard Mandarin sounds pleasant to me and more powerful than Cantonese

On Cantonese, well, it’s famous to Chinese people because of the Cantonese/HK songs and movies, but afaik a small group of Chinese think it sounds like SEA languages (which means posh in their ears) and they call it bird language (negative term in China)

Generally, a language with more vowels sounds more pleasant, famous examples include French and Japanese

However, the number of vowels cannot compete with the emotional feelings. For example, I didn’t like Korean when I was a kid but after the popularity of K-pop, Korean suddenly sounds pleasant in my ear

So… it’s subjective anyway

—– 332.2 —–2019-06-23 10:52:54+08:00:

I can say both languages and agree with you

Generally, Mandarin sounds more powerful than Cantonese, just check the news presenters of mainstream channels such as CCTV

333: 若中美贸易战升级到新冷战,在美国/西方的中国人/华人会受到很大影响吗?, submitted on 2019-06-22 03:43:31+08:00.

—– 333.1 —–2019-06-22 04:17:40+08:00:



—– 333.2 —–2019-06-22 05:57:08+08:00:



—– 333.3 —–2019-06-22 08:46:37+08:00:





—– 333.4 —–2019-06-22 09:38:18+08:00:




—– 333.5 —–2019-06-22 10:25:58+08:00:


btw 其实目光放远,一切都是虚无




—– 333.6 —–2019-06-22 10:37:46+08:00:





—– 333.7 —–2019-06-22 11:24:31+08:00:


—– 333.8 —–2019-06-23 02:26:56+08:00:


—– 333.9 —–2019-06-23 02:32:10+08:00:






是功是过,待后人评价吧。不过从百千年的角度看,我是不看好的。就像现在回看几千年的中国,很多人都能列举很多盛世,但对人类文明贡献最大的,仍然是不断结出工业文明之花、人文精神之花的西方。一时的百年盛世,算得了什么? (而且说得没有ccp就不会有盛世一样,没有ccp,或许盛世会来得慢点,但会更为长久更为繁荣更为文明)

—– 333.10 —–2019-06-23 03:06:09+08:00:



—– 333.11 —–2019-06-23 03:26:10+08:00:

你是不是对trump有什么误解… 对 r/The_Donald 里面看一下Trump支持者大概长什么样


—– 333.12 —–2019-06-23 04:01:32+08:00:




—– 333.13 —–2019-06-23 16:14:09+08:00:



—– 333.14 —–2019-06-24 03:20:33+08:00:



—– 333.15 —–2019-06-25 13:21:31+08:00:


334: has this already been done, submitted on 2019-06-22 05:26:13+08:00.

—– 334.1 —–2019-06-22 08:11:11+08:00:

As native, I also had a headache when learning it during kindergarten

It’s amazing that the government, who simplified the majority Chinese characters, didn’t reduce the number of classifiers

The only benefit is to help me appreciate the ancient Chinese poems

—– 334.2 —–2019-06-22 08:56:20+08:00:

Great! This is a point I’ve never thought

The only thing came to my mind was that I would lose the connection with ancient Chinese poems and articles where Chinese couplet plays an important role in

335: How to people understand Chinese music?, submitted on 2019-06-22 07:19:21+08:00.

—– 335.1 —–2019-06-22 09:03:04+08:00:

I am a native speaker of both Mandarin and Cantonese

tbh I have never noticed this difference before and doubted it

If there is a thing, I guess it’s because Cantonese has 9 tones while Mandarin has 4 tones so Cantonese doesn’t have to change their tones a lot in music? I’m sure that writing lyrics in Cantonese is much more difficult than in Mandarin

336: HK Hurts China’s Feeling [the Economist], submitted on 2019-06-22 09:54:51+08:00.

—– 336.1 —–2019-06-23 02:16:00+08:00:

well this argument is not true

HK and ML are dependent on each other

HK->ML: free world capital, information, materials, …

ML->HK: huge market, capital, shared economic growth, water, food, …

HK is the white glove of ML/CCP, they can get lots of things from the free world conveniently, vice versa

337: 重力卫星揭露 地下水亏损曲线,华北平原成世界最大地下水“漏斗区”, submitted on 2019-06-22 16:57:09+08:00.

—– 337.1 —–2019-06-23 10:00:36+08:00:


338: SCMP: China still committed to getting rid of ‘big, foreign and weird’ place names, submitted on 2019-06-22 20:13:48+08:00.

—– 338.1 —–2019-06-23 03:33:06+08:00:

The Four Confidences 四个自信

339: 对呀!, submitted on 2019-06-22 23:12:27+08:00.

—– 339.1 —–2019-06-23 05:12:33+08:00:

Dui Gun: 对对对对对对对对对

340: When exam is over and your friends arguing after the exam whetherthe answer was 4.57 or 4.58…. and your answer was 56284!, submitted on 2019-06-23 03:01:17+08:00.

—– 340.1 —–2019-06-23 10:08:52+08:00:

Was this exam in mainland China, HK, or SGP? Kinda interesting

341: WCGW spraying flammable chemicals on grandma, submitted on 2019-06-23 03:12:19+08:00.

—– 341.1 —–2019-06-23 10:03:40+08:00:

Do they have brain?

342: Canada ‘will join US’ in speaking out for rules-based order against China, submitted on 2019-06-23 07:57:07+08:00.

—– 342.1 —–2019-06-23 13:14:22+08:00:

No offensive to Canada, but

Canada is a member of G7

that’s why we update to G20 nowadays

343: What two countries have went from burning hatred to a surprisingly good relationship?, submitted on 2019-06-23 08:11:31+08:00.

—– 343.1 —–2019-06-24 03:39:17+08:00:

Revisionism thing

344: Federated States of Antarctica, submitted on 2019-06-23 08:22:33+08:00.

—– 344.1 —–2019-06-23 13:04:25+08:00:

The Mysterious Ice Kingdom

345: very beautiful, submitted on 2019-06-23 12:33:55+08:00.

—– 345.1 —–2019-06-23 13:18:03+08:00:

This sub is a cult of politics

you must post some anti-ccp shits to get karmas

346: 按理说,中共对香港还没有使出 “杀手锏”;why not?, submitted on 2019-06-23 22:42:08+08:00.

—– 346.1 —–2019-07-07 05:49:10+08:00:


—– 346.2 —–2019-07-07 20:10:18+08:00:

笑了 tg给hk断粮就代表是闹到军事封锁的地步了 以为还是以前?

—– 346.3 —–2019-07-08 02:06:57+08:00:

大哥 我的话是建立在你的话的前提上的 你说tg断粮 那不是就等于事态已经上升到军事封锁的地步了?

而且只是hk的话会个毛线新冷战 tw还算是有那么一点点机会 但也不大
