
2019-06-24 作者: Yvan888 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

347: 现在国内高校的问题有多大?, submitted on 2019-06-24 11:05:41+08:00.

—– 347.1 —–2019-06-25 04:09:35+08:00:


—– 347.2 —–2019-06-26 02:27:25+08:00:


—– 347.3 —–2019-06-26 02:30:08+08:00:



—– 347.4 —–2019-06-29 02:24:37+08:00:

现在“读书无用论”、“韭菜论”、“丧文化”很流行啊,没人拦着你信 🤷‍♂️

348: 駐英大使:中國從未用科技監控百姓, submitted on 2019-06-24 20:47:42+08:00.

—– 348.1 —–2019-06-25 04:25:40+08:00:


349: I love this so much, submitted on 2019-06-24 20:49:46+08:00.

—– 349.1 —–2019-06-25 04:29:30+08:00:

延安路 北京路 lol

350: Do you like this place? Do you want to living there?, submitted on 2019-06-24 23:04:10+08:00.

—– 350.1 —–2019-06-25 04:33:07+08:00:

hence young Chinese getting bigger and taller than in the past

don’t forget the meet: the larger consumption of meet, especially beef (but not pork)

—– 350.2 —–2019-06-25 04:36:09+08:00:

tbh the western obsession with cheese is still mysterious to me

As Chinese, I can live w/o rice or any other ingredients in Chinese cuisines…

—– 350.3 —–2019-06-25 04:43:27+08:00:

ended up beating my dad by 6 inches (in both dick and height)

Did you compare THAT with your dad? LOL

China is still on track tho. My generation (90’s) increased a lot but I’m still amazed by the younger generation (00’s). Some of them have 180+ in middle school, especially in the north

Edit: Some Chinese are Lactose intolerance tho, I always feel dizzy after drinking too much milk

—– 350.4 —–2019-06-25 04:50:59+08:00:

essential fats

but why you guys hate the fat in the meat, because it’s the different sort of fat (trans fat)?

Lots of people here complain the meat in China contains fat, but to us, we prefer the meat fixed with fat

I’ve worked in the western style kitchen and it’s surprising that they will remove the fat in the meat carefully but ended with mixing a ton of sugar, cheese, and oil… really confuse

I drew a conclusion with my Chinese fellows: the westerners hate the solid fat but don’t mind the liquid fat lol

—– 350.5 —–2019-06-25 05:10:19+08:00:

Just my opinion, but Korean society / personality has a mysterious consistency and accepted a foreign feature quickly once it’s started, another example is K-pop

Now Korea is a cult of cheese now, cheesecake, cheese snack, cheese chips, cheese hot pot (I hate this one)

I love banana milk tho

[unrelated topic] I’ve read some news from Sinoinisider and smell similar because one of their top advisers is 明巨正(Taiwan’s political science professor). You can get access to his report from youtube channel like this for free

—– 350.6 —–2019-06-25 13:07:17+08:00:

There is a small group of Chinese feeling it gross too but definitely not the general case (anyway I can understand your feeling tho)

It’s more about the texture than taste imo

In China we eat the meat (with fat) with rice. If you eat it lonely, then it’s grosser

351: Despite living here for years, I find many Chinese still hold on to staunch pro china stances, submitted on 2019-06-24 23:07:19+08:00.

—– 351.1 —–2019-06-25 03:46:25+08:00:

Am Chinese… This is a HUGE topic which I can list 20+ points. I just picked the ones that are rarely mentioned

  1. Their bodies are living in the west but their brains are living in China. They only read the news from China because of the language barrier or culture preference

  2. The Century of Humiliation makes Chinese are extremely sensitive to the criticism or even opinions from the west. That’s why mind your business mindset prevails in China (another reason is the traditional Chinese culture which is different from the western civil society) and they believe that the HK/TW/XJ/TB issues are 100% the aftermath of western imperialism/colonialism and should be solved after the turning-back of China. I bet that you were depicted as a bad guy in their brains. I know, someone will argue that China should not hinge on the past. As I have explained many times here, China has a long-term orientation and their measurement of history is based on thousands of years. That is, when you think, it’s already 100 years, they think, it’s only 100 years.

  3. I figure out China has an anachronistic mindset from personal behavior to foreign policy. To some extent, China is like the 18 century’s USA. They are having their own versions of Isolationism, Trail of Tears, and Manifest Destiny. When you analyze China’s issues, you should not use the prevailing liberalism and contemporary universal values in the west. When you use the ideologies I mentioned above, you probably can understand it more easily.

PS. This is just an academic discussion.

PS. One day China will adjust itself to the contemporary ideology but at first, there must be no GFW

—– 351.2 —–2019-06-25 04:05:10+08:00:

China is really a civilization masquerading as a country.

lol are you Chinese or not? It’s the second time I see this description in the west, the first time is from Martin Jacques’ speech

—– 351.3 —–2019-06-26 04:29:26+08:00:

actually the Chinese medicine sometimes make sense, I mean, it depends on the specific incident, some of them are fake but some of them are kinda true

Chinese medicine is empirical science and western medicine is experimental science

352: 《香港这座城市还有救吗?》– 这种文章竟然有100k+赞?, submitted on 2019-06-25 06:20:56+08:00.

—– 352.1 —–2019-06-25 06:52:56+08:00:


353: 其实我觉得推广世俗化是好的,但是, submitted on 2019-06-25 12:27:30+08:00.

—– 353.1 —–2019-06-25 13:19:51+08:00:


—– 353.2 —–2019-06-25 23:55:00+08:00:



欧洲现在的基督教势力已经薄弱了非常多,许多国家的无神论者超过50%,这是 r/europe 里面的一个关于欧洲宗教势力变化的图表和讨论,你可以去看看他们特别是年轻一代对宗教的认知




—– 353.3 —–2019-06-28 04:03:54+08:00:



354: Thousands March in Taiwan to Protest Pro-Beijing Media, submitted on 2019-06-25 15:20:23+08:00.

—– 354.1 —–2019-06-26 05:01:25+08:00:

Are you arguing the pro-BJ media are dishonest?

What about the reliability of the deep-green-media (extremely pro-independence)? or even any biased western media?

What do you think of Trump supporters to protest the “fake news” such as BBC, CNN? Or anti-Trump-ers to protest Fox?

I think they have the right to protest but no one has the right to close these media.

Or, do you have any other opinion? Hope I didn’t misunderstand your argument

—– 354.2 —–2019-06-27 08:16:55+08:00:


355: America Must Prepare for the Coming Chinese Empire, submitted on 2019-06-25 22:12:51+08:00.

—– 355.1 —–2019-06-30 05:44:37+08:00:

India is neither friend or foe to the U.S

exactly the same scenario as Sino-US one. Frienemy 🤷‍♂️

356: Students Shouting The Slogan “obey Orders, Obey Commands”, submitted on 2019-06-26 00:23:58+08:00.

—– 356.1 —–2019-06-26 04:46:40+08:00:

hahaha cute

357: meanwhile in china.., submitted on 2019-06-27 00:31:20+08:00.

—– 357.1 —–2019-06-28 04:02:24+08:00:


358: Only 300 IQ will understand, submitted on 2019-06-27 14:05:32+08:00.

—– 358.1 —–2019-06-28 06:49:47+08:00:

actually not that different. The majority places of China are free market with socialism characteristics, no matter it’s BJ or else where. The real special economy zones are Hong Kong and Macau. Am Chinese

359: /r/The_Donald 被强行隔离 quarantined without warning, submitted on 2019-06-27 18:31:32+08:00.

—– 359.1 —–2019-06-28 03:30:27+08:00:

去TD里面看了看,里面可欢了 lol

360: I’m (22f) in the middle of china, 8000 km from home, and i’m drinking coffe by myself after hours of walking randomly to get away from my bf. Ama, submitted on 2019-06-27 22:04:46+08:00.

—– 360.1 —–2019-06-28 06:36:01+08:00:

plus its mostly served hot

I’m Chinese from T1 city so I can just speak of T1,2 cities… I bet you almost all the milktea shops here provide lots of cold drinks. Milktea is a popular culture of young generations. The most famous shops are 一点点,皇茶,喜茶,丧茶 etc.

—– 360.2 —–2019-06-29 01:54:06+08:00:

lol it sounds weird to me but I haven’t lived in the less-developed areas in China so you might be right… I just hope you figured out the right ones

for example 一点点

361: 我的中文口音怎么样?我学了汉语两年了。有人能给我关于我的口音和发音的反馈吗?, submitted on 2019-06-28 00:14:33+08:00.

—– 361.1 —–2019-06-28 03:59:54+08:00:


362: 民主党第一轮总统辩论day 2, submitted on 2019-06-28 20:03:56+08:00.

—– 362.1 —–2019-06-29 11:37:56+08:00:

The Economist上期还专门报道了Yang呢。。。怎么雷声大雨点小

363: A normal school day in Russia, submitted on 2019-06-28 21:16:42+08:00.

—– 363.1 —–2019-06-29 02:43:19+08:00:


364: Tension between Canada and China at G20 (Hilarious vid of Xi and Trudeau), submitted on 2019-06-28 22:21:18+08:00.

—– 364.1 —–2019-06-29 02:13:45+08:00:

European Union. France. Germany.

wow I didn’t know they are independent participants in G20. Thx…

Edit: actually it makes sense. I just didn’t notice it before

365: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe raised concerns about Hong Kong with Chinese President Xi Jinping, submitted on 2019-06-29 06:12:05+08:00.

—– 365.1 —–2019-06-30 00:12:22+08:00:

tbh I don’t think it’s a big deal

It’s a typical political claims and that’s all

366: medical service is dangerous and over treating in china, the nurse havent covered her nose and all the patient dont wear mask.., submitted on 2019-06-29 11:11:26+08:00.

—– 366.1 —–2019-06-29 15:16:08+08:00:

This is actually a popular opinion within Chinese: the medial service in the US is too expensive and in Canada/Australia are too slow

I’m personally not sure about it tho, because unfortunately and also luckily, I didn’t have a chance to experience them lol

—– 366.2 —–2019-06-29 15:19:00+08:00:

Everywhere in China is overcrowded, man

—– 366.3 —–2019-06-29 23:57:51+08:00:

tbh the military hospital (PLA hospital) is also open for the citizens

367: 要么准备武器,要么准备后事, submitted on 2019-06-29 15:39:04+08:00.

—– 367.1 —–2019-06-30 10:11:25+08:00:

毕竟前有WTO 的承诺条款打折扣钻空子,后有宣布中英联合声明是历史文件没有效力

I really hate whataboutism, but come on


—– 367.2 —–2019-06-30 10:13:18+08:00:



—– 367.3 —–2019-06-30 10:15:39+08:00:



—– 367.4 —–2019-06-30 10:17:59+08:00:



—– 367.5 —–2019-06-30 20:40:52+08:00:




368: 各位对特赦令怎么看?, submitted on 2019-06-29 20:37:50+08:00.

—– 368.1 —–2019-06-30 06:46:05+08:00:



369: [每日新闻] 6/29 大赦天下, submitted on 2019-06-29 22:49:30+08:00.

—– 369.1 —–2019-06-30 01:35:23+08:00:


—– 369.2 —–2019-06-30 02:47:17+08:00:


370: How do Chinese people perceive the Automobile market? Do they view foreign cars as premium? Why are local car brands not in the top 3 of brand market share?, submitted on 2019-06-30 02:24:13+08:00.

—– 370.1 —–2019-06-30 04:38:47+08:00:

I’m not an expert in this field but AFAIK Korea is extremely nationalistic which is actually severer than Chinese’s IMO.

We Chinese love the foreign cars just like we love Apple, and we will not let the nationalism affect our consuming choices. Plus, the face culture I guess? Because car is the face of Chinese, especially lots of them drive their cars for business, better brand of the cars is a proof of their healthy financial situation to convince the potential businessmen to invest on them or deal with them. I know it’s stupid tho 🤷‍♂️ On the contrary, lots of people from the first world would think more economically

However, I think Chinese automobile market will follow the steps of its smartphone counterpart, i.e., from foreign product dominating to 50-50

10 years ago, Chinese people were zealous to the foreign cars, Germany/French brands were classic and reliable, American brands were fancy and powerful, Japanese brands were economic and trusty, and even Korean brands were much better than domestic ones. Now, there is still a foreign brands privilege within Chinese but it’s dwindling year by year.

The backward of Chinese cars should be largely attributed to the lack of traditional automobile technologies (esp. internal combustion engine) which the Japanese/European companies have been working on for decades or even a century.

However, with the (relatively) rising of qualify control of Chinese car manufacturing, the oversea acquisition of foreign automobile companies (example: Geely’s Completely Acquisition of Volvo From Ford) and the trends of new energy car, we can forecast the Chinese will be more willing to buy Chinese cars, just like we are willing to buy domestic smartphone brands such as Huawei, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Oneplus, etc now. For instance, while Chinese traces Tesla now, lots of them figure out NIO is not a bad choice. Actually, if you widen the picture, the game is already on, such as BYD Double Deck Battery Electric Bus In London. I mean, the new energy car is a game changer because the traditional automobile manufacturers are losing lots of their existing advantages.

—– 370.2 —–2019-06-30 06:16:05+08:00:

You’re right, the lifetime of automobile is much longer, so is its duration of brand reputation. I think we can take the rising pattern of Japanese/Korean automobiles for reference in this case

However, the business model of automobile changes fast too. It’s not only involving the manufacturing but also a connection with 5G, AI, and IoT. Lots of tech giants are investing heavily in automobile because they believe it would be a new core platform of IoT ecosystem.

China’s domestic policy, such as the automobile emission policy, are pushing Chinese to change their cars to the new energy ones. They’re increasing the changing rate of domestic automobile market.

Anyway, I’m not a big fan of automobile tho. But I hear my dad, who loves automobile, kept talking about the rising of quality of domestic automobile since 5 years ago so I think it can reflect a bit the changing word-of-mouth among Chinese customers, although my family still owns the old-school British MG7 lol

371: 中国大学, submitted on 2019-06-30 03:41:15+08:00.

—– 371.1 —–2019-06-30 09:48:28+08:00:

exchange student? one year?

Definitely Tsinghua… but the difficulty of CS there might be abreast of with MIT/Stanford… prepare well

372: 开个脑洞 中美冲突会不会是领导人在演戏给我们看, submitted on 2019-06-30 03:43:49+08:00.

—– 372.1 —–2019-06-30 05:27:55+08:00:




—– 372.2 —–2019-06-30 06:25:22+08:00:




—– 372.3 —–2019-06-30 06:26:34+08:00:


—– 372.4 —–2019-06-30 10:34:04+08:00:


  • Descent Into Slavery by Des Griffin & Chapter Five

  • The Money Master

  • The House of Rothschild by Niall Ferguson


—– 372.5 —–2019-06-30 11:30:53+08:00:



所以,若你是错的,那我固然坚持我的看法,若你是对的,那我也没什么兴趣辩论,因为“敌人”都那么强大了,我也没什么推翻的想法 lol

373: Inside China’s ‘thought transformation’ camps - BBC News (2019) [MINI DOC, For the first time in history China has felt they have polished their religious transformation camps enough to show the world..They needed to do way more polishing. Shocking!], submitted on 2019-06-30 05:01:26+08:00.

—– 373.1 —–2019-07-01 04:25:03+08:00:

Sorry I’m not going to defend XJ camps but your words make me laugh

Indians dropped from 100% to 1% nowadays of course you can just give them reservations and nobody calls for independence movement. If China use your logic, whether they can decrease Uyghurs population to 1% of XJ and then give them reservations for compensation?

Oh sorry, I forgot to mention that China, at least Qing dynasty, begin to govern XJ in the mid-18th century, when the US HASN’T been founded. Not to mention China has governed XJ several times dating back to thousands of years ago such as Tang and Han dynasty.

—– 373.2 —–2019-07-01 07:23:03+08:00:

ok, but sounds same as Han’s colonization in XJ

374: Trump after G20: Xi is a brilliant leader, one of the great leaders in 200 years in China, submitted on 2019-06-30 05:13:24+08:00.

—– 374.1 —–2019-06-30 21:27:11+08:00:

They are the products of struggle within the party.

375: Today in Hong Kong, submitted on 2019-06-30 17:29:24+08:00.

—– 375.1 —–2019-06-30 21:02:34+08:00:

Anti-Extradition Protest

Their estimated turnout: 103k

Police estimate: 24k

Sounds police is fair to both sides lol

—– 375.2 —–2019-07-01 03:36:26+08:00:

good question. I want to know too

376: china IT joke job requirement: age <20, exp >30, submitted on 2019-06-30 19:33:26+08:00.

—– 376.1 —–2019-07-01 03:57:02+08:00:

669 996?

—– 376.2 —–2019-07-01 03:57:53+08:00:

Is it a satire?

377: Hong Kongers marched today to show support for the local police and the Chinese Government., submitted on 2019-06-30 23:15:53+08:00.

—– 377.1 —–2019-07-01 09:55:03+08:00:

fair game tho

378: 为什么土豆这么不受欢迎, submitted on 2019-06-30 23:44:11+08:00.

—– 378.1 —–2019-07-01 01:28:09+08:00:

好惨 lol 土豆在加拿大境内也不得民心呐

379: 这是长公主被bully了吗?, submitted on 2019-06-30 23:59:58+08:00.

—– 379.1 —–2019-07-01 04:54:44+08:00:


—– 379.2 —–2019-07-01 09:36:59+08:00:


—– 379.3 —–2019-07-01 09:37:31+08:00:


—– 379.4 —–2019-07-01 21:53:39+08:00:

