
2022-10-02 作者: EnclavedMicrostate 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

841: Does Obama regret role his administration played in removing Gadafi?, submitted on 2022-09-26 12:57:13+08:00.

—– 841.1 —–2022-09-26 14:54:30+08:00:

This submission has been removed because it involves current events. To keep from discussion of politics, we have a 20-year rule here. You may want to try /r/ask_politics, /r/NeutralPolitics, or another current-events focused sub. For further explanation of this rule, feel free to consult this Rules Roundtable.

842: Far-right and neo-fascist movements are gaining legitimacy through election success in the West. Are we now too far in time from the ‘fall’ of fascism that history cannot explain to voters why it is so harmful?, submitted on 2022-09-26 14:53:21+08:00.

—– 842.1 —–2022-09-26 14:54:43+08:00:

This submission has been removed because it involves current events. To keep from discussion of politics, we have a 20-year rule here. You may want to try /r/ask_politics, /r/NeutralPolitics, or another current-events focused sub. For further explanation of this rule, feel free to consult this Rules Roundtable.

843: Which mountain or mountain chain inspired the phrase “move mountains” or “move a mountain”?, submitted on 2022-09-26 19:08:40+08:00.

—– 843.1 —–2022-09-26 20:51:08+08:00:

Please repost this question to the weekly “Short Answers” thread stickied to the top of the subreddit, which will be the best place to get an answer to this question; for that reason, we have removed your post here. Standalone questions are intended to be seeking detailed, comprehensive answers, and we ask that questions looking for a name, a number, a date or time, a location, the origin of a word, the first/last instance of a specific phenomenon, or a simple list of examples or facts be contained to that thread as they are more likely to receive an answer there. For more information on this rule, please see this Rules Roundtable.

Alternatively, if you didn’t mean to ask a question seeking a short answer or a list of examples, but have a more complex question in mind, feel free to repost a reworded question. Examples of questions appropriate for the ‘Short Answers’ thread would be “Who won the 1932 election?” or “What are some famous natural disasters from the past?”. Versions more appropriate as standalone questions would be “How did FDR win the 1932 election?”, or “In your area of expertise, how did people deal with natural disasters?” If you need some pointers, be sure to check out this Rules Roundtable on asking better questions.

Finally, don’t forget that there are many subreddits on Reddit aimed at answering your questions. Consider /r/AskHistory (which has lighter moderation but similar topic matter to /r/AskHistorians), /r/explainlikeimfive (which is specifically aimed at simple and easily digested answers), or /r/etymology (which focuses on the origins of words and phrases).

844: Goosey Guitar Gloves - Weekly Discussion Thread, Sept 27th, 2022, submitted on 2022-09-27 00:15:45+08:00.

—– 844.1 —–2022-10-02 02:32:26+08:00:

Unless you count EN Stars.

845: Chinese translation to english needed, submitted on 2022-09-27 01:02:50+08:00.

—– 845.1 —–2022-09-27 14:21:43+08:00:

無論東西/无论东西 which I’d guess is intended as something along the lines of ‘Whatever’, given no other context.

846: Is Soviet tc Sergei Gadyuk still alive?, submitted on 2022-09-27 13:57:10+08:00.

—– 846.1 —–2022-09-27 14:25:56+08:00:

This submission has been removed because it violates our ‘20-Year Rule’. To discourage off-topic discussions of current events, questions, answers, and all other comments must be confined to events that happened 20 years ago or more. For further explanation of this rule, feel free to consult this Rules Roundtable.

847: [Video Games] The downfall of a CEO that chose a very misoginistic hill to die on., submitted on 2022-09-27 18:52:48+08:00.

—– 847.1 —–2022-09-27 19:18:35+08:00:

As a couple of users have pointed out, this is too recent per Rule 5. Please consider reposting once 2 weeks have passed.

848: This absolute unit of a shoulder dislocator., submitted on 2022-09-27 23:42:00+08:00.

—– 848.1 —–2022-09-28 19:01:37+08:00:

Quite plausibly a matchlock of some kind, where without the slow-match stuck in it’s not intuitive how the mechanism operates.

849: How does our current economic situation compare to the economies of the past?, submitted on 2022-09-28 10:45:05+08:00.

—– 849.1 —–2022-09-28 11:55:36+08:00:

This submission has been removed because it involves current events. To keep from discussion of politics, we have a 20-year rule here. You may want to try /r/ask_politics, /r/NeutralPolitics, or another current-events focused sub. For further explanation of this rule, feel free to consult this Rules Roundtable.

850: Did the American revolutionary forces really have a substantial advantage in their use of unconventional tactics and knowledge of the terrain?, submitted on 2022-09-28 23:38:37+08:00.

—– 850.1 —–2022-09-29 22:17:51+08:00:

and what the Devil was the Royal Navy up to

Also fighting the Spanish, and dealing with French agitations in other theatres (especially India), basically.

851: Has there ever been in history where a society has been overthrown, rebelled against, or destroyed from within but the society was actually decent?, submitted on 2022-09-30 08:11:35+08:00.

—– 851.1 —–2022-09-30 15:39:00+08:00:

This submission has been removed because it violates the rule on poll-type questions. These questions do not lend themselves to answers with a firm foundation in sources and research, and the resulting threads usually turn into monsters with enormous speculation and little focused discussion. Questions about the “most”, the “worst”, “unknown”, or other value judgments usually lead to vague, subjective, and speculative answers. For further information, please consult this Roundtable discussion.

For questions of this type, we ask that you redirect them to more appropriate subreddits, such as /r/history or /r/askhistory.

852: Would medieval Europe have discovered gunpowder independently if not for the Silk Road? Were there similar avenues of discovery?, submitted on 2022-09-30 08:30:25+08:00.

—– 852.1 —–2022-09-30 12:39:45+08:00:

Sorry, but your submission has been removed because we don’t allow hypothetical questions. If possible, please rephrase the question so that it does not call for such speculation, and resubmit. Otherwise, this sort of thing is better suited for /r/HistoryWhatIf or /r/HistoricalWhatIf. You can find a more in-depth discussion of this rule here.

853: What does ‘Dynasty’ actually refer to in Chinese history?, submitted on 2022-10-01 22:05:02+08:00.

—– 853.1 —–2022-10-02 21:13:18+08:00:

It took a while but I finally rediscovered an old answer I wrote that covers this: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/nr8qo8/why_are_chinese_dynasties_not_named_after_the/h0fhsdx/?context=3

To break it down simply, the term ‘dynasty’ is not an incorrect translation but it’s an incomplete one. The most direct translation of the term chao into English is not ‘dynasty’ but rather ‘court’, which encompasses both the imperial house as a family entity and the institution of the imperial state. Indeed, the term chao typically refers not to the imperial house, but rather the state that it ruled. Some historians, especially more recently, have on that basis preferred to use ‘Empire’ in place of ‘Dynasty’.

You ask in your followup to /u/Professional-Rent-62 what the ‘nation’ was called, and this is perhaps a more complicated question than it first appears. If you actually mean the state, then there was no all-encompassing term that described them all, because it was not perceived that there was a single state that passed between ruling houses, but rather a series of states that were vaguely geographically and ideologically continuous. The Great Qing was the name of the state. If you in fact mean ‘nation’, then there are a whole load of distinct terms, some ethnic like ‘Han’ or ‘Tang’, and some cultural like ‘Huaxia’, that could be used to refer to certain identity groups, but the evolution of these over time is a huge issue in itself.

—– 853.2 —–2022-10-02 21:26:47+08:00:

In my view, yes.

854: [Hobby Scuffles] Week of October 3, 2022, submitted on 2022-10-02 22:05:39+08:00.

—– 854.1 —–2022-10-05 05:51:44+08:00:

I dunno, it seems like complete nothing? It’s unprecedented for the person in question but also very normal for the rest of the agency members. Plus there’s the angle that it might be scheduled – 4 October is 10/4 in MM/D, and ‘I say ten-four dinosaur’ is a line from Oki Doki Boomer.

—– 854.2 —–2022-10-05 05:53:28+08:00:

My dudes, Hololive has always favored established creators (and people recommended by them) since at least 2nd generation, that’s one of the reasons why they got so big on the first place.

I think you misread – LordMonday is talking about VShojo, not Hololive, which somewhat infamously opened auditions for new EN members over a year ago with nary a peep as to where those have gone, while in the same timeframe rushing an ex-Hololive member into a new identity within less than 2 months.

—– 854.3 —–2022-10-05 14:22:55+08:00:

The video she came back on her other identity for was a roleplay ASMR, which she doesn’t really do as Fauna but did a lot of on her other channel. She also did it very soon after upgrading her setup, so it seems almost like a technical test that she posted on her alt instead of her main.

—– 854.4 —–2022-10-06 13:22:20+08:00:

Well, it is also true, but my read of it wasn’t ‘getting people who were already content creators’ but rather ‘scooping some of the biggest names’, particularly in light of their audition process being so opaque.

—– 854.5 —–2022-10-06 15:10:17+08:00:

So two things: first I used ‘scooped’ rather than ‘scouted’ because I am very aware the latter has a very specific meaning. Secondly, I did miswrite a bit – my intention was to indicate that a 1+ year lag between audition and debut, assuming debut even happens, is very unusual and suggests some kind of shenanigans up to and including the new members simply not existing, but if so then VShojo has done nothing to indicate that it’s cancelled, or to assure people that new members are coming.
